Displaying 981 - 990 of 1087.
The book of "Why did they join Islam? The reasons behind the conversion of the world’s elite to Islam," by journalist Usama Al-Alfi introduces many examples of those who converted to Islam. The author believes that Al-Alfi wrote his book to open Muslims’ eyes to the greatness of their religion. The...
While the pro-Islamic media machine presents Tariq Ramadan, the grandson of Hassan Al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, as an Islamic preacher living in Europe, Ramadan presents himself to the Western media as a preacher of what he calls "European Islam." He wants to establish an...
Through an interview with Yasser Al-Serri, one the most famous Egyptian extremists, now living in London, the writer exposed the opportunism of the extremists and their mercurial ability at tailoring the Halal and Haram [permitted and forbidden according to Islam] to suit their purposes. While...
Through interviewing Omar Bakri, the leader of Al-Muhagerin [immigrants] group, the author recounts how Adel Abdel Al-Mageed, an Egyptian lawyer who was involved with Usama Bin Laden, was arrested. He also discussed the reasons behind his trial.
Washington raised the issue of the Armenian massacre at the hands of the Turks in 1915. This led to a real conflict between America and Turkey regarding religious prosecution. Beside recounting the story of the massacre, the article tries to answer the question of " Why does America arouse this...
A leading conservative contender to succeed the Pope yesterday triggered an explosive row over immigration by giving warning that "Christian Europe" was in danger of being overwhelmed by a "Muslim invasion" and by urging the Italian Government to allow only Roman Catholic immigrants to enter the...
The Vatican issued a charter that belittles the non-Roman Catholic Christian denominations [Orthodoxy and Protestantism] and other religions, especially Islam. This matter aroused dissatisfaction amongst Protestants and Muslims. Moreover, the statement of the cardinal, who is the strongest...
London, the refuge for those on the run from the laws of their land, has become a haven for extremist devils, murderers and terrorists. It is strange that this country protects these fugitives, who have shamelessly embezzled peoples’ money, not to mention the criminals and extremists, now accuses...
"Le Nouvelle Observateur", a French weekly, reports that London has become a haven for terrorists and a protector of Muslim extremist leaders from around the world. Many headquarters of terrorist extremist groups can be found in London. The "Observateur" tells many stories, describing the life of...
Sheikh Nazar Fakhori, the Mufti of Switzerland, confirmed that the Swiss people are willing to learn about Islam and that there are lots of Muslims in Geneva, Zurich, Lausanne, Bern and in other cities. He also added that, the Islamic community in Switzerland is one of the most active communities...


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