Displaying 1 - 10 of 24.
Lawyer Mortaḍa Manṣūr, the former president of al-Zamālik club, said that a verdict has been obtained in a lawsuit that was filed against producer Aḥmad al-Subkī and writer Ibrāhīm ʿĪsa, in order to ban the screening of their film al-Mulḥid (“The Atheist”) in cinemas both in and outside Egypt for “...
The former director-general of al-Azhar magazine, Shaykh al-Ṭāhrī al-Ḥāmdī, said the Prophet Muḥammad had ordered the killing of any person who insulted him, citing several examples from the Prophet’s tradition in a lengthy article in the magazine issue of March 2018.
The concept of “freedom of belief” has been put on the shelves when someone announces a decision to convert from Christianity to Islam or vice versa. Both Muslims and Christians are promoting the concept of killing apostates, but both disregard the content of the Qurʾān and the Bible regarding this...
Saudi Arabia officially abolished the use of flogging as a form of punishment, as well as the death penalty for juniors last week. An important news event that didn’t get the coverage it deserves. A heated argument has long raged through the corridors of the United Nations, between those who think...
All streams of political Islam are competing for the need to apply the punishments under the Islamic law, which includes the so-called al-Ḥudūd al-Sharʿiyah, as a divine system that cannot be replaced by penal systems. In the experience of the Muslim Brotherhood's rule of Sudan, which lasted from...
Revolution coalitions and political powers attacked the Muslim Brotherhood for their controversial statements about applying hudūd and declaring Egypt as an Islamic state, demanding an apology from the group.
Muhammad Zuhdī presents an overview of three books that deal with heated Islamic topics, such as the causes of the revelation of Qur’ānic verses, the extent of religious freedom in Islām and the necessity of renewing Islamic discourse.
Hasan al- Turābī’s liberal stand on women’s rights has angered many Muslim scholars around the world. His recent controversial fatwas, permitting marriage between Muslim women and kitābīs [Reviewer: People of the book: Christians and Jews] and allowing women to lead men in communal prayers,...
The article is an interview with the Mufti of Egypt, Dr. Ali Gom´aa. He expresses his anger with the Egyptian press, believing that some publications deliberately exploit religion to arrive at certain aims. He adds that he has been exposed to unjust campaigns waged against him by certain...
Dr. ‘Abd al-‘Azīm Ramadān has called upon Islamic societies to issue a statement condemning terrorist groups as murtad [apostate from Islam].


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