Displaying 1 - 10 of 59.
At the time that al-Azhar issued a decisive fatwa [fatwā] assuring that it is not dangerous to fast during Ramadan [Ramaḍān] in light of the coronavirus pandemic, the secretary of fatwās for the Egyptian Dār al-Iftāʾ announced that the Dār al-Iftāʾ was in the process of studying legal opinions. ...
Dār al-Iftāʾal-Miṣriyyah confirmed, in a post on its Facebook page, that the reward for a Muslim’s prayer at home for an excuse is the same as the reward for his prayer in the mosque; Prophet (SAW) said: “When a servant of Allah is accustomed to do a good work, then becomes ill or goes on journey,...
Dār al- Iftā’ has assured that Islam does not ban tourism and does not consider it harām (religiously prohibited). It also assured the importance of developing the tourism industry as an economic resource to combat unemployment (Sanā’ Hashīsh, al-Wafd, Feb. 22, p. 3). Read original text in Arabic...
Dār al- Iftā’ has issued a fatwá (religious decree) stating that a woman can abort her baby if her life is in danger. A question came to Dār al- Iftā’ stating that she is pregnant in the sixth month and that the doctors told her that the pregnancy is putting her life in danger. Dār al- Iftā’ thus...
Dār al- Iftā’ assured that electronic conversations are not allowed between men and women who are unrelated to one another. 
Dr. Shawqī ʿAllām, Muftī of the Republic, greeted a high-profile delegation from the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Dutch parliament, headed by Angeline Eijsink, and joined by the Dutch ambassador in Cairo. 
The Islamophobia Observatory of the Egyptian Dār al-Iftā’ [House of Fatwā] welcomed the Canadian Parliament’s adoption of a bill to combat the phenomenon of Islamophobia.
Dr. Alī Jumʿah, the former Mufti of the republic, said that we must distance ourselves from the polemics of the current times. He added that wearing the veil "hijāb" is an obligation (Farḍ) in Islam for women. He explained the purpose of hijab is to prevent anybody from seeing her hair without...
Background: The interview with Majdī Hussaīn, the Editor-in-Chief of al-Shaʿb magazine and an Islamic political activist, and an Islamic Īmam revolves around the case of Naṣr Ḥāmid Abū Zayd, a liberal Islamic thinker who was accused of apostasy, and the issue of the tunnel created upon the decision...
The fatwá is commonly known in the West as a death sentence. Among Muslims, the fatwá can be among the most powerful tools of Islamic populism. On a third front, the fatwá is simply a bureaucratic function. Which definition encompasses reality?  


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