Displaying 181 - 190 of 233.
In his interview with Shaykh ‘Alī Jum‘a, the muftī of Egypt, the author of the article asks about fatwas and those qualified to issue them.
Ramadān al-Bīh argues that the declaration of Islamic opinions and fatwas should be left in the hands of Muslim scholars who have wide knowledge of the Islamic sharī‘a.
There are a variety of often contradictory fatwas being issued on television, but the author argues that such disagreement is normal and should not worry Muslims, given that the imāms of the four schools of Islam frequently disagreed over the details of religious matters.
The author argues that the Saudi Wahābīs are using their petrodollars to propagate Islam as a religion of violence and extremism, and not one of science, modern technology and innovation.
It is argued that with poor economic conditions, ignorance and religious illiteracy, the idea that Muslim clerics have divine authority has spread.
Satellite TV channels are now playing a major role in increasing public awareness and disseminating Islamic culture.
Supposing that His Eminence the Shaykh is cleaning his teeth, didn’t he wonder who designed the toothbrush in its present form? It was the "infidel" Chinese who first thought of means to clean teeth by inventing special tiny sticks some 3,000 BC!
Some of the scholars in the dormant Muslim world are busying themselves with only saying all that is new is Haram [unlawful according to the Islamic shari’a.] In fact, some Muslims still believe that the Internet, satellite channels, women’s perfume are haram, at a time our peers on earth live the...
Ramadan [holiest month of Muslim calendar, when fasting is observed] is like a high season for sheikhs when they are to be found everywhere you look.
Today, many unqualified sheikhs are issuing fatwas [Muslim religious opinions or decrees given by a Mufti or another Muslim scholar. Based on Islamic Law and logical measurement] for purely personal purposes. They sometimes even issue contradictory fatwas that really reflect their deep ignorance.


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