Displaying 61 - 70 of 205.
“It is forbidden to give zakāt to non-Muslims.”  The Egyptian Dār al-Iftāʾ released a fatwa [fatwā] a few days ago that caused controversy between Muslims and Copts in Egypt.  Egyptians were divided on social media with some rejecting and some supporting the fatwā.  The controversy about the fatwā...
The first circuit Supreme Administrative Court rejected the Egyptian government’s appeal of the administrative court in Alexandria’s ruling on the shrine of Rabbi Yaakov Abuhatzeira [Yaʿqūb Abū Ḥaṣīra], otherwise known as Abū Ḥaṣīra.  The original decision made by the administrative court in...
The Coptic Orthodox Church announced that priests from its dioceses in al-Minyā, Abū Qurqāṣ, and Sharq al-Nīl held another meeting with members from the Azharian Zone and al-Azhar University in al-Minyā to promote peace and fight misconceptions among young people. The meeting was led by Bishop...
In light of the restrictions preventing gatherings, the spread of the Coronavirus has resulted in the cancellation of religious celebrations and festivals [mawlid], including seven major Islamic ones and nine well-known Christian ones.
Saudi Arabia officially abolished the use of flogging as a form of punishment, as well as the death penalty for juniors last week. An important news event that didn’t get the coverage it deserves. A heated argument has long raged through the corridors of the United Nations, between those who think...
Dr. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyib, the Shaykh of al-Azhar, stressed that the Egyptian people are a people of unwavering character, who fully appreciate the meaning of solidarity and brotherhood. 
The Global Fatwa Index (GFI), affiliated with Dār al-Iftāʾal-Miṣriyyah and the General Secretariat for Fatwa Authorities Worldwide, presented the top 10 statistics and results on the provisions of celebrating Mother’s Day, by monitoring approximately (2000) fatwas for that occasion issued by...
The subject of women and their position in Islam still arouses intellectual, legal, and political controversy in different places of stability around the world.   Accusations against Islam and Islamists of regarding women as weak and degrading them still remain.  ʿArabī 21 is opening a portfolio...
The Islamic Research Academy has started publishing its series on the Islamic sciences on its official website through the al-Azhar portal in order to make its contents accessible to the reader in Egypt and abroad and achieve more effective cultural communication between al-Azhar and people from...
The birth of the Prophet Muḥammad is a witness for love and veneration of the Prophet, and its celebration is something exemplary and legitimate.  Muslims have been celebrating it throughout the ages, and scholars have agreed on its goodness.  That was stated by the Office of Dār al-Iftāʾ regarding...


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