Displaying 81 - 90 of 203.
Dr. Andrea Zaki, the deputy head of the Evangelical Community Council, and director general of CEOSS stated that the role of the Azhar, Church and civil society organizations is important to discuss the values that are prevalent in society today and to reduce the phenomenon of harassment.
In celebration of the birth of the Prophet Muḥammad organized by the Ministry of Endowments [Awqāf] last Monday, the Grand Imam of al-Azhar, Dr. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyib delivered a speech that clearly manifested that the war launched against the Quranists has not ended yet. Dr. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyib attacked the...
Sources within al- Da’wah al- Salafiah reveal that the Ministry of Endowments told leading members with the body that it will not issue them any preaching permits before they completely resign from the political and partisan sphere.
  The Rockin' Imām Aḥmad Muḥsin Tuzer has been the headline news for a long time in Turkey for creating a rock band. The Directorate of Religious Affairs (Diyanet) has dismissed Imam Tuzer for his controversial activities.  
Possible presidential candidate Hamdīn Sabbāhī reiterated support for the implementation of the Islamic sharī'ah and maintaining the second article of the constitution, which, he said, respects all religions. "The Islamic sharī'ah is one of compassion and tolerance and would never undermine the...
Muslim Brotherhood Murshid (Guide) Dr. Muhammad Badī' and members of the Irshād (Guidance) Office on Tuesday (Feb. 28) responded positively to the messages sent by Dr. Safwat al-Bayyādī, the head of the Coptic Evangelical denomination, and Andrea Zakī, his deputy, in which they raised certain...
Meanwhile, the Qasr al-Nīl Court of Misdemeanors turned down two criminal and civil lawsuits against Coptic business magnate Najīb Sawirus accusing him of disdaining religion on the grounds that the persons who filed the lawsuits have no legal capacity. Minutes after the ruling was handed down by...
Meanwhile, the Qasr al-Nīl Court of Misdemeanors turned down two criminal and civil lawsuits against Coptic business magnate Najīb Sawirus accusing him of disdaining religion on the grounds that the persons who filed the lawsuits have no legal capacity. Minutes after the ruling was handed down by...
Dr. Nājih Ibrāhīm, a member of the al-Jamā'ah al-Islāmīyah (Islamic Group) Shūrá Council, said Islamists in Egypt suffer from some flaws about making more and more friends, adding Egyptians have to brush aside trivialities that take much of their time and show more interest in serious issues. "...


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