Displaying 261 - 270 of 273.
In the weekly seminar for Al-Nidaa’ Al-Gadid [The New Call] organization, the attendees attacked the scholars of Al-Azhar, saying that they adopt a kind of Fiqh [Islamic jurisprudence] called "Fiqh Al-Nakad" [Fiqh of annoyance]. The attendees said that they [the Azhar scholars] aim by it to defend...
Two controversial items in the draft of the new Personal Status Law are Al-Khul’a [a woman’s right to divorce her husband without explanation in exchange for renouncing all her marriage rights and returning the dowry he had given for her], and the right of a married Muslim woman to travel on her...
A few days ago, President Mubarak sent the draft of the Procedure law in Personal Status law cases to the Shura Council to discuss it before forwarding it to the People’s Assembly. The draft of the new law which has been drawn up with careful consultation with various bodies, particularly the Al-...
Dr. Abdel Sabour Shahin has two court cases against him due to the publication of his book ’My Father Adam... The Story Of Creation Between Myth And Truth’, claiming in it that Adam is not the father of humankind, but the father of reasoning man, and that he was born of a father and a mother. Those...
Interview with Dr. Mohammed Sayyed Tantawi, Grand Sheikh of the Azhar, about a range of actual subjects in Egypt, including regulating pilgrimage, his opposition to the embargo of Iraq, religious censorship, the new magazine of the Azhar, a fatwa on taking loans, presenting religious personalities...
"The issue of dialog has become recently an important one on all levels. We live in a time where all interests are intertwined and have become complicated as never before. Solving them by dialog has become very important" writes Egypt’s Minister of Awqaf or Religious Endowments.
The Legal Research Committee of the Azhar issued a number of recommendations and decisions concerning the Urfi and Misaar marriages. The committee made it clear that such marriages are considered legal if a number of conditions, mentioned in the full text, are met.
Magdy Hussein, editor-in-chief of Al-Shaab, has now been sentenced to two years in prison for libel. The sentence is the result of the campaign of Al-Shaab of over a year against Youssef Wali, Minister of Agriculture. Hulsman met several times with Hussein and described his views on Islam.
The Grand Sheikh recently clashed with those more politically minded when he refused to lead a prayer for the martyrs of Kosovo. Explaining that it was unlawful according the Muslim Shari’a, he suggested that those who wished to pray for martyrs do so at home or at mosques affiliated to the...
The polemic continues as regards the issue of the Prayer for the Absentee. According to Sayyed Tantawi, the Sheikh Al-Azhar, there is no need for a prayer for the martyrs who are absent. However this issue has provoked many of the Sheikh’s opponents who are accusing him of mixing politics with...


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