Displaying 131 - 140 of 161.
Sheikh Youssef Al-Qaradawi focuses in an interview on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, including Jihad, martyrdom operations and the peace process.
It is very strange when you listen to Sheikh Al-Qaradawi, who claims he has issued 123 books on Islam and modern age and who is the main guest of several TV programs on Arab satellite channels. His ideas and way of thinking have raised several questions on his claims of moderate concept of Islam.
Mudslinging reached dizzy heights between Muslim Brotherhood and the Nasserists in the wake of the publishing of Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi’s diary in which the Muslim attacked (late Egyptian President) Gamal Abd Al-Nasser with foul language and accused him of disbelief and fighting Islam and that...
The scenes of massive Coptic outrage expressed in Cairo last December in reaction to the questionable conversion to Islam by Wafaa’ Qostatin [Wafā’ Costantine]- priest’s wife- and again last month in Fayoum [al-Fayyoum] to protest the dubious conversion of two medical students, require the utmost...
There is nothing wrong, from a sharī‘a perspective, with football provided that players are not distracted from prayers on due time, students from studying or workers from seeking income to support their families, said Dr. Yousuf al-Qaradāwī, a celebrated Muslim cleric, in an interview.
Not so long ago, I lashed out at some fatwas [Muslim religious opinions or decrees given by a Mufti or another Muslim scholar, based on Islamic Law and logical measurement] issued by shaykh Youssuf al-Qaradāwī concerning the slaughter in Iraq under the name of ‘resistance’ as well as others...
The Islamic da’ya [a person who calls to Islam, a preacher] Youssef Al-Qaradawi is one of the icons of moderate Islamic thought and that is why he was chosen as head of the International League of Muslim Scholars as well as the European Council for Fatwas and Research. In this interview, Sheikh...
The author agrees with the opinion given in respect of attacking Israeli civilians by the Sheikh of the Azhar rather than with the opinions given by the Mufti of Egypt. He agrees with the Sheikh of the Azhar because he gave his opinion a political dimension and took into consideration the...
The statement of the Sheikh of the Azhar concerning attacking Israeli civilians is a true expression of the Islamic faith. However, Sheikh Al-Qaradawi refused it, not for religious reasons but for political ones. Al-Qaradawi’s opinion could be accepted if it was expressed by a politician. However...
Sheikh Al-Qaradawi stressed that the Palestinians have the right to defend their lands and homes by all ways and means. This right was stated by the heavenly Shari’as and international laws. He added that the operations the Palestinians committed against the Israelis were martyrdom and not suicidal...


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