Displaying 21 - 30 of 101.
Salafīs continued to violate the decision of the Ministry of Endowments prohibiting sermons given by politicians and non-Azharites.
The conflict between Salafīs has escalated in intensity to the extent of making accusations of treason. 
Dr. Usāma al-Qūṣī, the Salafist preacher, criticized the Salafist boarding School called “al-Salafīyah al-Madkhalīyya” whose most famous shaykhs in Egypt are Muḥammad Sayyid Raslān, Maḥmūd ʿAbd al-Rāziq Raḍwāni, Ṭalʿat Zahrān and others - describing it as the most dangerous school on the Egyptian...
The Global Fatwa Index (GFI) affiliated to Egypt’s Dār al-Iftāʾ and General Secretariat for Fatwa Authorities Worldwide reported that it has monitored 500 samples on various fatwas that have been issued over the years by official institutes as well as by radical and ultra-conservative Islamist...
The crisis over the drafting of Article II of the Constitution continued after representatives of the salafī camp insisted on the addition of the phrase “legislators shall enact laws based on the sources of the four Islamic madhāhib (doctrines)” as precondition for keeping the phrase “principles of...
In a nice discussion with one of the Salafī brothers, he, trying to feign respect for Copts’ rights, said, “We’re ordered to show tolerance and be good for them,” said Rif’at al-Sa’īd, a veteran Egyptian leftist and leader of the al-Tajammu’ (Grouping) Party, in an opinion article in al-Misrī al-...
Al-Shurūq al-Jadīd, al-Wafd, and al-Yawm al-Sābi’ newspaper report on January 2 that Salafīs have returned Aghābī ’Isām Jirjis, the Coptic 14-year old minor back to her family, after her disappearance nine days ago, after several negotiations efforts by investigation police with leading figures of...
Former al-Nūr Party head and assistant to the president, ’Imād ‘Abd al- Ghafūr, has announced the formation of the Al-Watan Party, as well as a new alliance with former presidential candidate Hāzim Salāh Abū Ismā’īl. In a conference Tuesday (January 1, 2013) at the Azhar Conference Center, ‘Abd al...
    An intense dispute erupted between the Awqaf Directorate of Al-Gharbiyya and the Salafist Daʿwah over the control of Al- Tawḥīd  Wa al-Nūr Mosque at Ṣanadīd village in Tanta city. 
The Salafī daʿwa and independent preachers continued their control over Awqaf mosques, as they stepped up their publicity and posters propagating their sermons and Friday prayer orations in an attempt to expand in mosques; under the dominion of the Ministry of Endowmnents (Awqaf), without obtaining...


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