Displaying 81 - 90 of 101.
Muslim scholars as well as the public follow the teachings of al- Salaf whether right or wrong without thinking - even if they are inconsistent with their interests or contradict with the Qur’ān and the Sunna which led to a mental inertia and moral corruption.
The author presents a meeting between Ahmad ‘Abd al- Mu‘ti Hijāzī a famous Egyptian poet and the muftī in which Hijāzī talked about the relationship between scholars, extremism and terrorism. The muftī boasted that all those who proved to be extremists or terrorists were not graduates of...
During meetings with some French Muslim converts, Arlette Khourī transmits their opinions and experiences of Islam, mentioning the official French perspective concerning the increase in the number of ‘new Muslims.’
In an interview Dr. Mahmoud Ismā‘īl explains the reasons behind his strong convection that calls for establishing Islamic religious state are not part of the genuine Islamic teaching, rather they are politically-motivated.
A prominent Shiite scholar who has close relations with conservatives in Iran issued a fatwa that changed stoning as punishment for committing adultery. He did not mention the new punishment. Worth mentioning is that Europeans heavily criticize the stoning punishment [Ed: Amnesty International is...
The article discusses the phenomenon of sellers around mosques as one of the channels that promote terrorism. The deputy of the Ministry of Endowments comments on this phenomenon and how the ministry and the police should co
The author gives a historical background on Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Abdel-Wahab and how Wahabism was established in the Arabian Peninsula. He believes Wahabism is an Islamic reformation movement.
The author deals in this article with several new satellite channels that disseminate programs presented by extremists.
Despite the progressive Islamist movements in Turkey and Morocco, liberals are still haunted by the salafī [traditional] experiment of Afghanistan’s oppressive Taliban. Ibrāhīm Gharāyba discusses the concerns of liberals about the Muslim Brotherhood’s political agenda.
The West lays responsibility for the current instability at the Muslims’ feet in the East. Western policy has always regarded Islam as an enemy. Such attitude is clear in “The Clash of Civilizations” by Samuel P. Huntington and the “End of History” by Fokumaya.


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