Date of source: Wednesday, January 4, 2006
Ahmad Shawqī al-Fanjarī blames the backwardness of Muslims on three persons, namely "the extremist Indian writer Abu al-‘Ala al-Mawdudī, the illiterate Bedouin Mufti who spearheads the Wahābī call ‘Abd al-‘Azīz Bin Bāz and Mullah Muhammad ‘Umar who applies his fatwas with whips and guns in...
Date of source: Thursday, September 29, 2005
The Front of Azhar Scholars contested the statement by the Grand Shaykh of the Azhar in which he said the normalization with Israel was halāl.
Date of source: Monday, November 15, 2004
Scientific discourse does not need to exist in the Qur’an or Sunna [sayings or actions of the Prophet] to instill religious faith. The conviction that God exists and that Muhammad is his Prophet, is either present or not. Dr. Zaghloul and his followers believe the Qur’an can only be understood in...
Date of source: Tuesday, November 30, 2004
In an interview with the Minister of Awqaf [Religious Endowments] Mahmoud Hamdi Zaqzouq, he answers questions about foreign interference in Islamic issues in Egypt, renewal of religious discourse.
Date of source: Friday, September 10, 2004
When the Prophet created the first Islamic state, he was cautious to set up civil structures with a religious core for this state. The authority of the Prophet was a civil authority with civil institutions. So, the government of the Prophet was a civil government that protected the right of any...
Date of source: Monday, September 13, 2004
The latest incident in which Arab racism came to surface happened few days ago when a group hiding behind Islam and Arabism, killed twelve Nepalis who were working as cooks in a restaurant owned by a Jordanian in Iraq. This incident is not enough to serve as evidence for the racism of some Arabs...
Date of source: Friday, August 13, 2004
The second principle of the civil state in Islam is the separation of religious matters from worldly matters. The Prophet Muhammad was the first to enact such a separation within an Islamic framework.
Date of source: Saturday, July 31, 2004
The most important issue in the Islamic world today is the relationship between two basic creeds of Islamic fiqh [jurisprudence]: Sunnis and Shiites. With the long history of discord which can lead to conflict, wise Muslim intellectuals believe that if the two parties were able to come closer to...
Date of source: Wednesday, July 21, 2004
In an Alexandrian youth camp, the Egyptian Grand Mufti, Dr. Ali Goma’a, met with nearly 500 students from Egyptian universities and from delegations studying at the Azhar. Dr Goma’a gave his lecture on the mosque’s role in building the individual. Dr. Goma’a also answered questions on various...
Date of source: Saturday, June 11, 2005
We have never heard from the Muslims of former days the slogan "Qur’xn is our constitution", which in its very essence a stratagem that only aims at reaching the corridors of power and then bring Muslims to an apocalyptic end.