Displaying 571 - 580 of 1052.
Many hadīth were falsified over time. Islam is a religion that needs a renaissance to reveal its true image.
This review presents the opinions of some intellectuals about offensive articles written against the Prophet’s companions. Some consider this to be an unforgivable sin, others refer to the Shī‘ah-Sunnī differences as a reason for it.
Views of Muslim scholars differ over whether to accept the so-called "apology" of Pope Benedict for the remarks he made about Islam a few weeks ago. Nearly 38 Muslim scholars and leaders sent a letter to the pope to indicate their appreciation of the pope’s expression of regret and his affirmation...
A new Islamic satellite channel launched five months ago is said to be successful with the people, but is also criticized by scholars for promoting extremist salafist ideas.
Hafīz Sa‘d writes about a recent document entitled ‘Al-Ikhwān wa-al-Dīmūqrātīyah’ [Reviewer: Muslim Brotherhood and democracy], written by Dr. Mahmūd Ghazlān, a prominent member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s executive office who is also known as the number three man in the group’s leadership...
Salīm al-‘Awa criticizes the abilities of the Shaykh of al-Azhar in drawing up fatwás, since he is not a specialist in Islamic jurisprudence.
The Muftī speaks in this interview about the death penalty, which, he said, should still be in effect to guarantee that the society will not be overwhelmed with vice. He criticizes countries that have legalized prostitution, narcotics and abortion.
The author explains why he does not think that the Shī‘ah madhab [Editor: school of thought or religious jurisprudence] deserves an equal place with the Sunnī madhab.
The author of the article blames the backwardness of Muslims on their inability to bridge up their differences. He says the Grand Imām’s appointment by the presidency results in religious institutions supporting the idea of obedience to the ruler.
Ayman al-Hakīm traces the incident of takfīr a Yemeni poet after he published extremely controversial works.


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