Displaying 121 - 130 of 205.
The author praises those who speak out against Islam, focusing on Wafa Sultan, and Arab woman in the U.S. in whose recent interview on al-Jazeera, she stated that the clash is not a clash of civilizations, but a clash between the culture of the West, and the backwardness and ignorance of the...
The conference held in Denmark over the offensive Danish cartoons called for by the young controversial dā‘iya cAmr Khālid has created different reactions in the West and the Islamic world.
The author discusses relations between Muslim nations and the West on an equal basis through mutual respect of both parties’ beliefs and faiths. He also refers to the different impact that religion has in the East versus the West.
The author tries to reinterpret the September 11 attacks in the light of a play by Edward Albee entitled “The Zoo Story.” The play tackles the theme of lack of communication. The two main characters in the play came together through a knife. The crash of the suicide planes into the twin towers of...
The fifteen Saudis, who were among the nineteen perpetrators of the attacks of September 11, produced a number of transformations in Saudi Arabia. They even became the subject of a series of American questions, which later turned to Saudi ones. From where did they come? What did they learn? How...
The writer comments on what he believes is an American attack on Islam that started with the September 11 disaster. He believes that Mr. Fukuyama has increased the discord between the West and Muslims by denying the ability of Muslims to make value-related and civilization-related distinctions from...
Last March, the CIA in cooperation with the Pakistani police succeeded in arresting Kuwaiti terrorist Khaled Muhammad Sheikh, whom US authorities consider the master mind of the September 11 attacks. The article covers the most important confessions he gave in the investigation the CIA conducted...
The article comments on the activities and the structure of the Qa’ida network after the September 11 attacks, in relation to the US anti-terrorism war.
The author believes that the evil operation of September 11 generated the false idea that Islam encourages terrorism. He comments on the tolerant nature of Islam and provides historical examples on the peaceful relations Muslims have with Christians and Jews.
The author comments on what he believes is a US attack on Islam that started with the disaster on September 11.


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