Displaying 131 - 140 of 170.
Montasser Al-Zayat mentioned that Ayman Al-Zawahri and Usama bin Laden would commit suicide, if they felt that they would be arrested. He stresses that they have the shari’a-related sources that justify committing suicide in the case of fear of being captured and facing pressures to divulge...
The family of Ayman Al-Zawahri has acknowledged the death of his wife and five children and received condolences in the family house. But the family of Al-Zawahari’s wife has not acknowledged yet the deaths of their daughter and her children.
The article is a comment by Usama Rushdie, a leader in the Al-Gama’a Al-Islamiya, on the memoirs of Ayman Al-Zawahri. He stressed that the opinion he expressed in the article does not represent the attitude of the Gama’at Al-Islamiya as he is not authorized to speak on behalf of them.
The article gives an overview of the terrorist actions Ayman Al-Zawahri and his followers committed in Egypt. It also speaks about the reasons that led Al-Zawahri to blow up the Egyptian embassy in Pakistan.
The article is a comment by Montasser Al-Zayyat on the criticism Ayman Al-Zawahri leveled against him in his recently found memoirs "Fersan taht rayet el-nabiy" [Knights under the Flag of the Prophet]. He said he was surprised, like others, at the text of the initiative being read in the Military...
In his book "Knights under the flag of the Prophet," Ayman Al-Zawahri directed much criticism against Montasser Al-Zayyat, the fundamentalists’ lawyer, for sponsoring the initiative to cease violence. Al-Zawahri claimed that Al-Zayyat enjoys security facilities that many ministers do not enjoy and...
Ayman Al-Zawahri wrote a book in which he recounts how he came to join the Jihad organization at the age of 16. He also gives details of all the terrorist operations the Jihad organization committed and were planning to commit in Egypt. The article sheds light on the many assassinations the group...
Abud Al-Zumor, the Jihad member who was among the first to sign the initiative denouncing violence was moved from Tora prison, where the members of the shura council of Al-Gama’at Al-Islamiya are serving various prison sentences, to Abu Zabal prison. This was believed to be a step to separate the...
There is a contradiction between the statements of members of Jihad concerning the initiative of denouncing violence. Nabil Al-Maghrabi surprised fundamentalist circles in Egypt by declaring his support for the initiative. Another statement of support came from eleven leaders in prison. Last month...
Foreign intelligence reports have revealed that Ben Laden has nominated the Egyptian Mohammed Atef, known as Abu Hafs, as his successor in the event of his arrest or death. Arab witnesses backed the report whilst officials from the White House said that arresting Ben Laden, although highly...


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