Displaying 1231 - 1240 of 1446.
Gamal Al-Banna believes that the violence of the Islamic groups is a reaction to the barbaric torture practiced by the State against the Muslim Brotherhood in the time of president Gamal Abdel-Nasser. Dr. Essam Al-Eryan said that some Islamic groups believe in the necessity of military action as a...
A seminar on the dialogue between the Islamic and the Western civilizations was held in Greece. In the seminar, Dr. Abdel-Mo’ti Bayoumi stressed that Islam was not guilty of what happened in September 11. Islam rejects terrorism and jihad has nothing to do with terrorism. Islam also is a religion...
Some authorized jurists declared that Islam forbids attacking the Dhimmis and the civilians and urges on protecting the human being. Such statements are, for sure, correct. However, it cannot be applied to the situation in Israel.
Sheikh Al-Qaradawi stressed that the Palestinians have the right to defend their lands and homes by all ways and means. This right was stated by the heavenly Shari’as and international laws. He added that the operations the Palestinians committed against the Israelis were martyrdom and not suicidal...
The Sheikh of the Azhar lost a lot of his supporters because of his latest statement about attacking Israeli civilians. All who saw the massacres committed by the Israelis against the Palestinians rejected his statement. Sheikh Al-Qaradawi believed that his statement was unrelated to reality.
The Mufti of Egypt believes that the reasons behind the rise of extremist organizations in Egypt are the misunderstanding of Islam and the negligence of religious education. He stressed that Christians are not kuffar as they believe in God and his holy books and messengers. If Christians do not...
It is noticeable that the nicknames terrorists chose for themselves are old Islamic names. The choice of such old Islamic names is not a fashion followed by terrorists. It indicates their aspiration for escaping to an Islamic utopia. In addition, such names link them with past they glorify and want...
The West has always been accused of distorting Islam’s image. Still, Islam has also been misrepresented by Muslims themselves. By their behavior and fatwas, they gave the West a golden opportunity to prove that Muslims are brutal and uncivilized.
A conference was held at the Arab League headquarters to discuss the image of the Arabs in the eyes of other civilizations. The conference aimed at finding a formula by which to confront the Western attack against Arabs and Muslims following the 11th September attack.
The Mufti of Egypt affirmed that the Palestinians defence of themselves by any method is legal. Counselor Tareq Al-Bishri believed that the killing of the civilians is not wrong as a civilian is not related only to the uniform but is related to the attitude he adopts. Dr. Abdel-Sabour Shahin said...


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