Displaying 1241 - 1250 of 1446.
Sheikh Al-Qaradawi criticized the declarations of the Sheikh of the Azhar in which he condemned attacking innocent civilians from any denomination or country in response to the killing of 30 Palestinians in Jerusalem. He believed it to be a declaration that let down the Mujahideen in their war...
The author criticizes the statement the Grand Imam has given concerning attacking the Israelis. She believes that the fact that he described the Israelis as innocent civilians means that he did not bring attention to the fact that they are occupiers of the lands of the Palestinians. She suggested...
Behind any terrorist organization there is a mufti deciding what is halal and what is haram according to his point of view. The article gives an overview of the most famous muftis of terrorist organizations and the fatwas they issued.
The author believes that poverty, ignorance and political oppression are not the real reasons behind terrorism. Terrorism grows up in societies where a dogmatic culture prevails. There are satellite channels that promote terrorist ideas and host religious analysts to justify what they preach....
In this article Sheikh Youssef Al-Qaradawi speaks about Islam and secularism, the weakness and disunity among Muslims, the Muslims’ aggression towards the West, the violence of the Gama’at Al-Islamiya and the responsibility of the preachers, thinkers and the governments towards correcting the...
The Mufti of Egypt affirmed that savage practices against innocent civilians and captives in Palestine and Afghanistan are contrary to the teachings of Islam. He said that the events that are taking place in Palestine and Afghanistan are happening because of the weakness and separations between...
The Dialogue of Civilizations conference, organized by the Arab League, provided the opportunity to discuss new practical ideas and suggestions in order to help the process of dialogue between Islam and the West. Still, there is a problem concerning how to turn such suggestions into practical...
The idea of a conflict between civilizations is not a Western invention, but almost an Islamic-Arabic one. Arabs believe the illusion that they are a threat to the West and that the West keeps conspiring against them. They always try to see others as responsible for their failures. Such feelings...
The deputy of the Azhar stressed the importance of activating the dialogue among civilizations and cultures in order to achieve the necessary levels of understanding. He said that the interaction of civilizations is a human necessity and that establishing a new and active mechanism is a must for...
The basis of the Qur’anic discourse is that any religious ruling or opinion should be accompanied with evidences. A language should be used that attracts people and does not offend unbelievers. This is the basis for the comment on a fatwa issued by the Permanent Committee for Scientific Researches...


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