Displaying 1301 - 1310 of 1446.
Three warped people intercepted a female student in Kuwait and whipped her and cut her hair because she did not wear the veil [Islamic dress and head cover]. They lately explained their brutal action by declaring that Islam has grown up on the sword’s edge.
October magazine obtained the confessions of five high-ranking members of terrorist groups, who repented after discovering the groups’ lies and deceptions whilst in prison. These members informed security and religious officials of their decision to repent. They presented the truth to October [...
The [Islamic] extremist groups changed their plan of work regarding the penetration of [secular] Egyptian society after successful security initiatives, which tightened the control over the extremists, and restricted their devastation of society. Once again, they have started to access society...
"Extremism Association" changes according to the circumstances. Extremism that creates terrorism cannot be destroyed from the first time because it aims at destroying the Egyptian society. This association wants the Egyptian people to go back to the stone age. This association gained strength from...
Last century, the calls for setting the woman free were repeated by various notable figures. But, this century we have a different call in which it states the lessening of the woman’s role. Sheikh Omar Abdel Kafi issued several fatwas concerning birth control. He believes that a boy is better than...
Dr. Omar Abdel Kafi turned out to be a big lie. He clamed that he had obtained a PhD and masters degree from the Azhar University, but this turned out to be untrue. The great surprise was that Sheikh Omar Abdel Kafi was not registered among those who had been studying at the Azhar University. What...
A new book is promoted which claims that the earth does not rotate and there is no gravity.
This article discussed the beliefs of "Al-Faramawy group" and related some of the investigations into some members of the group. The investigations confirmed what was published in the newspapers about their beliefs. The beliefs of "Al-Faramawy group" were published in detail in The Egyptian Mail on...
This article was translated and published by the "The Egyptian Mail" on April 1, 2000, under the title of "Faramawy Sect: A tamer version of extremism." The author Ra’fat Butros was not mentioned. The article is presented in the RNSAW, overview of English language articles.
The phenomenon of "sheikhism" (claiming to have special spiritual vocation) is starting to devastate a wide range of Egyptian society. This requires our highest attention especially since it hits mainly women, the most vital cell in society.


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