Displaying 1331 - 1340 of 1446.
We are listening calls for strict and violent procedures against the people who were behind Al-Kosheh events. It is unreasonable to start a new century with such mentality.
Mustafa Bakry, editor-in-chief of al-Usbua blames bishop Wissa and others for believing that the USA will be able to protect the Copts in Egypt. Solutions need to be found in Egypt, not abroad. Those who say that Christians are treated like second degree citizens are abandoning the truth and...
Catholic bishop Qolta reflects on the killings in al-Kosheh and blames the "triangle of poverty, ignorance and illness. It does not need to be attacked by hateful extremism, blind hatred and black revenge in order to shed more tears in these holy days in which we remember God a lot."
The author argues that it is in the interest of the Israeli secret service to saw discord between peoples of different denominations in the countries surrounding Israel. Examples are given from Egypt and Lebanon.
An effort is made to analyze the origin of the killings in al-Kosheh. It was horrible what took place but the events can only be described as transitory throughout a long history of peaceful coexistence between Egypt’s Muslims and Copts, who have been living together without any discrimination...
It seems that Muslims have no other option but to believe that they are destined to fight fierce warfare in the twenty first century and they will not find any way out of its fires. The snares are set everywhere and these snares are getting narrower every day. In this new era, Muslims have no...
Why did Al-Azhar close its doors before the Copts after it had embraced the prominent ones? Why did the Copts forget their uprising against the last Coptic Prime minister? Why does not the state adopt a national project to finish off the demon of fanaticism?
Al-Koshh riots are individual actions that are not accepted by any religion. When the Arabs entered Egypt in 640 AD, Egyptians were happy to receive them and Islam never forced anyone to be Muslim.
Shortly after the BBC introduced a poll about the possibilities of peaceful co-existence between Muslims and Christians that, many violent scenes happened in four Islamic countries, namely, Egypt, Indonesia, Nigeria and Lebanon. The poll raised many questions about the future of the minorities in...
Whatever the circumstances were, or the excuses, what happened last week in Al-Koshh that is located in Upper Egypt should not pass away without strict and harsh punishment for everyone who caused or participated in or encouraged the disaster.


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