Displaying 491 - 500 of 2851.
The Salafī Front has stated that it is not Islamically permissible for Muslims to congratulate Copts on their religious festivals and that attending the Church to offer congratulations would be a “sin”. This is in response to an invitation from the Coptic Church to President Mursī to attend a...
On Friday, Apr. 26, Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawāḍrūs II received the Grand Shaykh of al-Azhar Aḥmad al-Ṭayyib together with an Azhar delegation who came to congratulate the Pope for the feast of Easter. Pope Tawāḍrūs explained that as long as the Church and Azhar continue to have good relations, Egypt...
A number of Coptic activists have started a campaign on social networking sites titled, “No to inviting the killers to the Cathedral”. The campaign was launched in order to demand that the Church reconsider inviting President Muḥammad Mursī, Prime Minister Hishām Qandīl, and speaker of the Shūrā...
Dr. Khālid Saʿīd, official Salafī front spokesman, said that is not permissible for Muslims to greet non-Muslims on their feasts, and demanded that President Muḥammad Mursī poll associations of leading academics from the Azhar on responding to the invitation to Easter Mass. Saʿīd emphasized that...
The World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit has given an exclusive interview with the newspaper al-Akhbār. In the interview he said that Christians have long been part of the social and religious fabric of Egypt, and that it was in everyone’s interests to create a...
Bishop Raphael, General Secretary to the Holy Synod, has said that although the previous regime tried, and failed, to maintain its legitimacy for over 30 years by driving a wedge between Muslims and Christians, the Muslim Brotherhood has succeeded in five months. The Bishop noted that during the 25...
U. S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) Chairman Robert P. George said that the religious situation in Egypt has “complicated' over the past year, although President `Abd al-Fattāh al-Sisi made 'noteworthy' statements to urge religious reform.
Winners of seats in parliament include minority populations that achieved great success compared to previous elections, including Coptic Christians, who won a total of 36 seats representing 6 percent of parliament.
The Marrakesh declaration contrasts with the World Watch List 2016 of Open Doors, released on January 13, 2016, in which 50 countries, mostly Muslim, are listed as countries where Christians are persecuted most. Open Doors is identifying Islamic Extremism as the main persecution engine in Egypt...
Notes on the occasion of Prof. Mike Reimer's 60th birthday, assistant professor of history at the American University in Cairo. Muslim-Christian relations are so much more complex as media tend to report. 


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