Displaying 1 - 10 of 58.
The rector of the Grand Mosque of Paris has met Pope Francis for the second time in less than three years. Chems-Eddine Hafiz was received at the Vatican by the Sovereign Pontiff on Monday, 10 February 2025.
Under the patronage of President ʿAbd al-Fattāḥ al-Sīsī, Minister of Awqāf (religious endowments), Dr. Osāma al-Azharī, honored a number of dignitaries and notable members of Egyptian society on the sidelines of the 35th session of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs.
Al-Azhar Observatory for Countering Extremism praised the city of Cologne for broadcasting the Islamic call to prayer over loudspeakers, on Friday sermon in its Central Mosque for the first time.
Mahamadou Labarang, Cameroonian ambassador to Cairo, met with the Grand Imam Aḥmad al-Ṭayyib on Wednesday, at the headquarters of al-Azhar, and expressed his desire to establish a regional Azhar institute to serve the Muslims of Central Africa in Cameroon.
1. Anton Wessels, The Grand Finale. The Apocalypse in the Tanakh, the Gospel, and the Qur’an, Translated by Henry Jansen and Lucy Hofland, Wipf & Stock, Eugene, Oregon, 2020, 321 pp. Paperback $ 35 E-book $ 9.99 This English version is dedicated to Professor Saeid Edalatnejad of the...
Al-Azhar followed the televised statements made by Ieronymos II, the Archbishop of Athens and all Greece, and the head of the Greek Orthodox Church, in which he said that “Islam is not a religion but rather a political party, and its followers are people of war, expansion, and influence.”
The French Council Muslim Faith (CFCM) has officially approved a ‘charter of principles’ for Islam in France, which will reshape the affairs of the second-largest faith in this European country.
Officials of the French Council of Muslim Faith (CFCM) announced on Saturday, that an agreement has been reached for a ‘charter of principles’ for Islam in France. The charter specifically stipulates the ‘compatibility’ of Islam with the principles of the Republic, the rejection of the...
Four people were killed in a terrorist attack as several gunmen opened fire on six different locations in downtown Vienna, Austria.  The minister of the interior said that the police killed one of the gunmen and are still looking for another gunman who is on the run.  He also announced that the...
In the immediate wake of the September 11th attacks, Manāl ʿIzzat, a Muslim American engineer at the Pentagon, the headquarters for the American Department of Defense, felt great pain and sadness due to the reactions of her colleagues at the Pentagon.  As she walked the halls, she used to hear her...


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