Displaying 11 - 20 of 261.
The Palestinian intifāḍa at Shaykh Jarrāḥ in Jerusalem coincides with a deep-seated problem facing Palestinian resistance organizations and questions the wisdom of agreements signed by Arab countries recently to normalize relations with Israel under the pretext of achieving peace between Arabs and...
In monopolizing tragedy and human suffering, Zionists have hoisted the Holocaust onto the political stage, using it as a psychological shield and as a preemptive media attack on a number of parties such as the Germans, Polish, and French, who have long been occupied with peace in the Middle East. ...
The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates said that under direct instructions from Minister Riyāḍ Al-Mālkī, Chairman of the Permanent National Ministerial Committee, the ministry is to follow up on the inclusion of the State of Palestine to international treaties and charters.  ...
The killing of twelve-year-old Muḥammad al-Durrah in Gaza was played out on television screens across the world on September 30, 2000, days after the start of the Palestinian uprising known as "al-Aqṣā Intifāḍah". A number of young Egyptians shared their thoughts to Miṣr al-ʿArabiyya on the 19th...
Dr. Ādil Adawy Minister of  Health and Population has announced that the Egyptian hospitals have announced 11 injured people from Gaza. 
Research interns at the Center for Arab-West Understanding - Nadeem Ahmed Moonakal, a postgraduate researcher from the Department of Geopolitics and International Relations, Manipal University (India) and Youssef el-Banna [Yūsuf al-Banna], a Social Science and Law student at the University of...
MEMRI TV Clip No. 6274 highlighted the November 5 interview with firebrand lawyer Nabīh al-Waḥsh, who stated on Egyptian TV, “I'm proud to be anti-Semitic,” and “if I see any Israeli, I will kill him.”
MEMRI TV Clip No. 6274 highlighted the November 5 interview with firebrand lawyer Nabīḥ al-Waḥsh, who stated on Egyptian TV, “I'm proud to be anti-Semitic,” and “if I see any Israeli, I will kill him.”
Researcher Silvana George ʿAttallah, reports that the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, the forerunner of the Christian world, was built by Emperor Constantine in the 4th century AD in the basilica style.
Background: The first part of the recording is a press conference by Foreign Minister ʿAmru Mūsā, who was speaking in both Arabic and English, during the 1996 Arab Summit which was held in Cairo, Egypt in which he was mainly discussing the Arab relations for cooperation and the peace process in...


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