Displaying 21 - 30 of 87.
Background: Southern Sudanese students situated in Egypt were interviewed by Cornelis Hulsman regarding the budget cuts of scholarships by the government in Sudan. The students, clearly dealing with serious issues, went to the Catholic Church in Egypt to ask for financial support. Furthermore, the...
Background: A Southern Sudanese discussed in this interview the Islamisation of al-Kharṭūm in Sudan, as well as several reported cases of kidnapping in al-Kharṭūm and surrounding areas such as the refugee camp Māyū. In 1994, Cornelis Hulsman travelled to Sudan with the Cairo Foreign Press...
    As southern Sudan prepares to vote this week on a possible secession from the north, Sunnī Khālid says that the African-American community is also divided on the issue...      
In this Egyptian Gazette article, Manāl ‘Abd al-‘Azīz questions whether Sudanese president ‘Umar al-Bashīr is seeking to unite or divide the nation of Sudan by threatening to apply Islamic Sharī‘ah law if South Sudan carries through with its plan to separate from the North. ‘Abd al-Azīz says that...
                       The opening of the Darfur Reconstruction Conference in March 2010 recalled Egyptian-Sudanese Archpriest Filotheus Farag of al-Shaheedein. Filotheus preaches coexistence, acceptance, and love of all people, asserting it is God’s will to respect all cultures and he is renowned...
Political experts expect South Sudan to vote to secede from the Muslim north in 2011. Outcomes of the potential succession are debated though key concerns include the allotment of Nile water and the creation of an Islamic state in North Sudan. Sudanese president Bashir is working to maintain unity...
Al-Zawāhirī discusses the conflict between Islām and atheism and the current circumstances that the Arab region is experiencing in a new video tape.
A discussion about a conference on human rights, the innovation of religious speeches, the relationship between religion and the state, the economic progress of non-Arab Muslim countries in Asia, and problems of applying Islamic laws with regard to marriage, divorce, and inheritance in non-Muslim...
The author discusses national unity in the Arab world.
The stand of the judge’s club against appointing female judges shocked civil and feminist trends which believe that this stand is contrary to the principle of judge’s independency. It also violates the Egyptian constitution and the international charters.


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