Displaying 281 - 290 of 623.
The U.S. influence has increased and spread in the world through the establishment of military bases in almost all countries. In Egypt, U.S. influence works through institutions like the U.S. Embassy, the American University in Cairo, and places where Americans live. For the U.S influence in Egypt...
The article is in response to Dr. Muhammed Selim al-‘Awa´s article in al-Usbua on Islamic religious education, AWR, 2003, week 50, art. 24. Dr. Reiss gives an overview of Muslim religious education at Egyptian primary schools and disagrees with some of the conclusions of Dr. Muhammad Selim el...
The article tries to answer the question whether the U.S. will really succeed in Americanizing Islamic culture. It examines the attitude of the U.S. toward the Arab and Islamic world after the September 11 attacks. A few months following September 11, the American Administration flagrantly demanded...
The American University in Cairo (AUC) is believed to marginalize the Coptic Orthodox Church and ignore its ancient history and pure Egyptian identity and nationalism. It is believed to search for a substitute for the Coptic Orthodox Church to replace its viewpoints in some social issues that are...
The article describes the interview with Dr. Ali Gom’aa, Mufti of Egypt, published in Al-Wafd newspaper.
The article is an interview with the Mufti of Egypt, Dr. Ali Gom´aa. He expresses his anger with the Egyptian press, believing that some publications deliberately exploit religion to arrive at certain aims. He adds that he has been exposed to unjust campaigns waged against him by certain...
Al-Usboa received information that Saad Eddin Ibrahim, the chairman of the Ibn Khaldoun Center, is going to invite the Jewish stock market tycoon George Soros to deliver a lecture at the Center in order to pave the way for Soros to practice his suspicious economic activities in Egypt.
The author reports that an alleged American plan targeting Islam through creating discord and initiating civil war between its followers, Sunni and Shiites, has been set force by five of the leaders of the Christian-Zionist alliance. The plan was presented to and agreed upon by President Bush and...
Dr. Larry Levine, an Orthodox Jewish professor from New York, USA, responds to Dr. Emara´s article in Al-Akhbar, December 12, 2003, AWR, 2003, week 50, art. 4. It is obvious Dr. Emara mixes between the teaching of Judaism and behavior he sees in practice in occupied territories. Claiming that the...
Dr. Larry Levine criticizes Dr. Muhammad Emara´s comments on the Torah and Judaism in the previous issue of AWR. His main comment is that there is always the danger of reading any verse in the Hebrew Bible without the traditional commentaries. [Editor: Muslims would state that the same applies of...


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