Displaying 171 - 180 of 217.
Microbus drivers force their passengers to listen to audio-tapes that contain extremist religious material, while passengers have no right to raise any objection against their contents or their loud volume. If any passenger dares to raise any objection, he would be accused of unbelief for refusing...
After September 11, questions on the role of religion in forming the attitudes of people and whether religion is a problem or part of the solution to many problems were raise, especially as the perpetrators of the September 11 attacks said that the attacks were part of their holy war. American...
Some people look for the Cross and the Star of David in everything around them. This is a kind of phobia that can be called signphobia. Regardless of the concepts material things come to symbolize, the absolute material thing is prior to the symbol it comes to refer to.
The author argues that there are three types of religious people. The first type of person focuses heavily on rituals, sometimes being judgmental. The second focuses mainly on worldly issues and secularism. The third group sticks to moderation and follows a balanced pattern in life when it comes to...
Dr. Nasr Abu Zayd, a celebrated modern scholar of Qur’ānic studies, who fled to the Netherlands after the Egyptian courts ordered that he be forcibly divorced from his wife on charges of apostasy, argues for reform of religious thought and an end to corruption.
Jamāl Badawī examines the early seeds of religion in Egyptian history.
A French researcher specializing in the study of religion and its relationship with modernity and politics elaborates about secularism and the reasons of the sudden reemergence of religion in the world.
There is a noticeable decline in the level of national identification and a rise in various forms of religious affiliation. Religious institutions have encroached upon the role of the state, apparently with good will but not always, through the services they offer to the community in many areas. I...
The writers give a meticulous analysis to the false ideas revealed in the folk beliefs of some Muslims and Christians. These ideas create a relation between the signs of the Judgment Day and the American-British invasion of Iraq. The article describes how Israelis are exploiting these claims. The...
The security department of the Ministry of the Interior has cast light on the phenomenon of posters with Islamic or Christian symbols or quotes encouraging religious fanaticism.


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