Displaying 271 - 280 of 1413.
Iraq accused yesterday Qatar during the meeting of the Arab Ministers of Foreign Affairs of financing ISIS.
After security forces succeeded in arresting members of the Helwan battalions a new video was published showing three masked men calling themselves “Danak Movement”
A visit of an Egyptian journalist to Iran has revealed the different ways the State of Iran incites against Egypt and insults it. 
An anonymous source from the Da’wah stated that the there is a feeling of anger among the youth of the Da’wah al- Salafiah and the Nūr Party against the Ministry of Endowments.
he Socialist People's Alliance Party called the increase a "bias for the rich at the expense of the poor", pointing out that raising the prices of natural gas and electricity consumption at home reflects the bias of the decision towards  the owners of energy-intensive factories, at the expense of...
Dr. Shawqī ‘Allām, muftī of Egypt, has denounced the terrorist attack that targeted an armored vehicle for the police in Shaykh Zuwayid North Sinai.
The Independent has opened a discussion that has led to a strife pertaining to moving the tomb of Prophet Muhammad. 
Ahmad al- Mughir, known publicly as the “man of Khairat al- Shāttir” has criticized those who attack Ansār Bayt al- Maqdis after its terrorist attacks.
A video that is believed to be produced by Ansār Bayt al- Maqdis group revealed the killing of 5 Egyptian soldiers.


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