Displaying 251 - 260 of 1413.
One person has died and four others got injured in a fight that erupted between Copts and Muslims in al-Khusūs city. Fire arms were used. Qalyubia security forces arrived at the place and contained the fight, arresting 10 defendants. The deceased and the injured were taken to hospital. 
The imam of a mosque located near the Virgin Mary and St. Sergiūs Church of al-Haggāna village, east of Nasr City, Cairo, called the police after he discovered many explosive devices stored on the roof of his mosque. According to the imam’s report, he feared these explosive devices were targeted...
So far, 25 people have died in the bloody conflict between the al-Dābūdīya and the Banī-Hilāl tribes. This marks the beginning of a new phase; as Egyptians are drawn away from the love of tolerance and peacefulness to more violence and anger.  
Minya security forces succeeded yesterday in releasing secondary school Coptic student.
The conflict between Salafīs has escalated in intensity to the extent of making accusations of treason. 
The monks of the monastery of Anbā Ṣamūʾīl in Minya organized a protest on the road leading to the monastery, objecting to the ban on visits and entry of cars of all kinds.
Father Ibrāhīm Isḥāq, Patriarch of the Coptic Catholic Church of Egypt, participated in the Synod on Young People at the Vatican, which was presided over by Pope Francis.  In his speech to the Synod, the Catholic Patriarch said “I bring you greetings from young Egyptians.  These youth are growing...
It seems that the distortion of historical statues scattered in the squares and entrances of Egyptian cities is a series that will not end soon. Every month, it is announced that one of the statues is distorted in the Egyptian governorates. Officials of the al-‘Umrāniyyah in Giza gained controversy...
The security forces of the Aswan Governorate faced a lot of criticism because they did not intervene to end the conflict between the al-Dābūdīya and the Banī Hilāl families which led to the death of 26 people and the wounding of more than 50. There are committees in the security departments whose...
Muhammad Mihanna, advisor of the Shaykh al-Azhar, confirmed that the Grand Imām Ahmad al-Tayyib sent a group of scholars to the Aswan Governorate to support the pacification process and end the bloodshed. They were sent to participate in the Friday prayer and also to organize forums, meetings and...


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