Displaying 221 - 230 of 1413.
The National Council for Women's Rights expressed its strong dismay at the absence from the draft Constitution of several fundamental texts and articles protecting the rights of women and children.
Political and social theorist Sir Isaiah Berlin famously compared nationalism to a ‘bent twig’, ‘forced down so severely that when released, it lashed back wit
Objections to the president’s decrees caused tension and clashes with members of the Muslim Brotherhood group in a number of governorates, topped by a most heated Alexandria.
The Coptic Orthodox Church is maintaining its position regarding Mursī’s decrees today (November 24) as Bishop Pachomius and Pope Tawadros II are meeting to discuss the constitutional declaration while Coptic activists termed the decrees as a “setback that marks the beginning of the division of...
Coptic movements and groups expressed rejection against the constitutional declaration as a large number of them participated in the demonstrations while Christian intellectuals flatly refused the declaration which they termed as “division of the nation”.
Members of the judiciary in Alexandria started a sit-in on Friday (November 23) prior to their participation in extraordinary meetings of the Judges Clubs’ general assemblies scheduled to be held today (November 24) in protest over the recent decrees by President Mursī.
Reactions of Egyptians on the streets escalated over decrees by President Muhammad Mursī on Thursday (November 22) sacking the public prosecutor and immunizing his decisions as political, betraying deep divisions within the society as opponents termed them as “rehash of past dictatorship”. [Author...
Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawāḍrūs II has to handle several dossiers inside the church like the pending problems for Copts including divorce, remarriage, inheritance, the laying of a new election system, maintaining national unity, construction of houses of worship and encouraging Christians not to be...
Dr. Yūnis Makhyūn, the representative of the Salafī al-Nūr (Light) Party in the constituent assembly drafting a new constitution for Egypt, said the party would adamantly stick to the rulings of the sharī’ah in the article on equality between men and women. [Muhammad Gharīb, al-Misrī al-Yawm, Oct...
Nineteen parties and movements blamed Prime Minister Hishām Qandīl and the Ministry of Interior for the continuous attacks on churches and private property, referring to the attack on a Church-owned land in Shubrā al-Khaymah.


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