Displaying 101 - 110 of 234.
The church has freed itself from these mistakes and was confined to its spiritual and moral role, leaving science for scientists with their research, study and discoveries.
The Magisterium [teaching authority] of the Roman Catholic Church has published a teaching document stating that parts of the Holy Bible may not actually be true.
Dr. ‘Abd Allāh al-Turkī, the secretary general of the World Muslim League (WML), called on Pope Benedict XVI of the Roman Catholic Church, to resume the dialogue with Islam and Muslims and discuss all problems of Muslims in Italy with Italian Minister of Interior Giuseppe Pisanu.
In 1981, late Pope John Paul II appointed Joseph Ratzinger (the current Pope) to be the chairman of a committee entrusted with inspecting those who quit the Catholic creed. This means that the head of this committee is "necessarily dogmatic,” or in other words the possessor of the absolute truth.
Pope Benedict XVI of the Roman Catholic Church said, during his inauguration ceremony, that he would continue the Muslim-Christian dialogue. Such a statement is most welcomed by Muslims.
Benedict XVI, Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, praised during his installation what he called the common spiritual heritage of Christians and Jews. The pontiff offered greetings to “my Jewish brothers and sisters, with whom we are joined by a great shared spiritual heritage, one rooted in God’s...
In an interview with Sabāh al-Khayr, Bishop Dr. Youhannā Qulta, Deputy Patriarch of the Coptic-Catholic Church in Egypt, teaches us how to love and understand both life and ourselves.
The Pope of Rome apologized, in a message on the Internet, to those who were sexually abused or raped by monks and other priests of the church.
The Vatican announced that the former patriarch of the Roman Catholic Church in Zimbabwe, who was expelled from the church for breaking an oath not to marry, is planning to return to the church.
The American president will visit the Vatican Pope as part of his attempts to get closer to American Catholics. He also asked the Congress to agree on his proposition concerning financing the religious benevolent organizations.


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