Displaying 1 - 10 of 64.
Background: Islamic preacher Yūsuf al-Badrī talked about the characteristics of a preacher and the sources of legislation in Egyptian society. He also talked about the case of liberal Islamic thinker, Naṣr Abū Zayd and criticized his books. The questions were asked and answered in Arabic. For more...
Background: Yūsuf al-Badrī is an Egyptian Islamic preacher, formerly a member of the People’s Assembly and is said to be closely related to the Muslim Brotherhood, although he himself denies this time and again. At the start of the interview, the shaykh says he wants to address to the public that...
Background: The interview with Majdī Hussaīn, the Editor-in-Chief of al-Shaʿb magazine and an Islamic political activist, and an Islamic Īmam revolves around the case of Naṣr Ḥāmid Abū Zayd, a liberal Islamic thinker who was accused of apostasy, and the issue of the tunnel created upon the decision...
Background: Maḥjūb al-Tijānī is the president of the Sudan Human Rights Organisation in the branch of Cairo and Ḥamūd Fātḥā al-Raḥman, the secretary general of the same organization, discuss the atrocities of the al-Turābī/al-Bashīr regime, and the means by which the Sudanese people are dealing...
Background: Dr. Naṣr Ḥāmid Abū Zayd (10.7.1943–5.7.2010) was an Egyptian Qurʾānic thinker and scholar. He is famous for his contextual interpretations of the Qurʾān, which sparked a lot of controversy amongst fundamentalist Islamic thinkers. In May 1992, Abū Zayd was in a position to get a...
The conference on "The freedom of expression of public opinion" started yesterday in the Bibliotheca Alexandrina. Participants in the conference will discuss a number of research papers about the freedom of expression, publishing rights, and censorship on public opinion and future challenges facing...
Dr. Sa‘d al- Dīn Ibrāhīm argues that with the increasing power of the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic political groups, the deletion and amendment of article two of the Egyptian Constitution seems next to impossible. He suggests that the only solution will be to add a new article affirming the...
Hāzim ‘Abduhlists a number of Muslim and non-Muslim thinkers and writers, whom he says have launched a vicious campaign against Islām in an attempt to undermine Islamic culture and values.
The court of first instance postponed its verdict on the action brought by Dr. Nasr Hamid Abu Zeid and his wife against the Minister of Justice. Abū Zeid wants to show that there is still a marital relationship between him and his wife.
The author conducted an interview with Dr ‘Abd al-Sabūr Shāhīn on Western attacks on Islam and the role of Islam in Egyptian society.


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