Displaying 151 - 160 of 934.
Muslim Brotherhood parliamentary members try to stop new legislation on the establishment and work of NGOs. They attacked many items in the legislation, such as an item that allows non-Egyptians to participate in NGOs. They argued that this could give people who hate Egypt the chance to penetrate...
The article talks about the heated electoral campaigns that characterize the struggle between Muslim Brotherhood’s candidates and those of the ruling National Democratic Party to win the race of the Shūrá Council elections.
A few days before the Shūrá Council elections, the government began a massive security raid of the Muslim Brotherhood organization and detained many of the group’s supporters. Senior officers of the Brotherhood defined the procedures as a prepared plan to rig the results of the election.
Every Egyptian who does not like something in this country finds no shame in threatening [the government] that he or she would demand the assistance of a foreign organization or government against his or her own country. Saad Eddin Ibrahim [Chairman of Ibn Khaldoun Center for Development Studies]...
Muslim Brotherhood Supreme Guide Mahdī ‘Ākif dismissed the allegation that any dialogues were taking place between the group and the Americans, saying, “no matter the pressures we are facing inside the country, we would never seek help from the United States. The US knows well that we are totally...
Confrontations erupted between the security forces and the Muslim Brotherhood group in the governorate of al-Daqahlīya, killing 34-year-old Mahdī Ghannām, a teacher of English language.
The red lines of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood group. The outlawed organization’s leader Muhammad Mahdī ‘Ākif, who manifested a sky-is-the-limit approach in the struggle against the government, called for civil disobedience after he discovered that the Brotherhood is entitled to take it to the streets...
Dr. Muhammad Habīb, the deputy Murshid of the Muslim Brotherhood, has denied reports of a deal between the banned group and the government.
Muslim Brotherhood members staged two simultaneous demonstrations in two of Cairo’s most bustling areas; Ramsīs Square and downtown al-Tahrīr Square. All demonstrators called for abrogating the Emergency Law and for making sharī‘a effectively the source of law.
The once-insider of the outlawed group, ‘Alī ‘Ashmāwī, says he discovered that the organization had been penetrated by Western agencies.


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