Displaying 161 - 170 of 934.
The Egyptian authorities stepped up their crackdown of the Muslim Brotherhood by arresting 20 top ranking figures in the outlawed organization.
President Mubārak said "if the Brotherhood ascends to power, they will never leave it" should not have been made by a president. He has no documents or evidence to substantiate his claims, said Muhammad Mahdī ‘Ākif, the supreme guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, in an interview.
I believe that those who call for cooperation between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Nasserists are wise people. Some people insist on remaining hostages of the past. Things have changed and the views of the Brotherhood today in the early twenty-first century are totally different from their views...
Dr. Muhammad Habib, deputy of the Supreme Guide of the Brotherhood announced that the group seeks to open dialogue with small opposition parties following the dialogue it has opened with major opposition parties: Al-the Wafd party, the Nasserist party and theAl- Tagammu party. The Brotherhood...
The mass protests led by the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood group, in which 70,000 protestors took to the streets in 18 governorates in Egypt, has raised controversies about the real intentions of the Brotherhood.
Concerning the activities of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Egyptian political arena, the confusion the outlawed group is going through is easily sensed. Obviously, this confusion is reflected in all of its decisions, namely those related with escalations against the ruling regime.
Before the recent Egyptian Bar Association elections, members of the Muslim Brotherhood thought that they had all the keys to lift whomever they wanted to zenith and bring opponents down to nadir. However, they failed their first real test. It has become evident for all that the Brotherhood is no...
A document forwarded by the neo-conservatives in the United States to President George W. Bush contained their recommendation to the US administration to deal with all the emerging mainstreams including the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, in a way to avoid having an anti-US regime in the future.
Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood leaders have replied to the attempts of the US Embassy in Cairo and later the European Union (EU) to start launching a dialogue with the group, which has been approved on condition that this takes place via the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


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