Displaying 201 - 210 of 934.
The Muslim Brotherhood has been suffering from the massive state drive to detain senior leaders and subscribers of the group. This started when students connected with the group initiated a parade at the Azhar University, which the state saw as demonstration of the group’s force toward the...
The article is about the crisis that the Muslim Brotherhood group faces as some of its affiliated students present a military arts show in the campus of the Azhar University.
Sa‘d al -Dīn Ibrāhīm, chairman of the Ibn Khaldūn Center for Development Studies, is a real troublemaker who always provokes outcries wherever he goes.
The article praises the legal procedure taken against ‘Brotherhood Militias’ that appeared in the Azhar University as a step forward to separating the state from religion.
The article discusses the latest declarations made by Mahdī ‘Ākif regarding the position of Copts in Egypt.
In an escalation of the Egyptian government’s crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood, security authorities dealt a blow to the outlawed group’s financial muscle as it arrested a number of businessmen affiliated to the group.
Egyptian papers run dozens of articles on a variety of subjects directly or indirectly related to the Muslim Brotherhood’s military-style rally at Azhar University’s campus. Analysts and commentators saw the Brotherhood’s military-style protest from various, but still close, perspectives, with...
Photos of the military-style parade staged by the Muslim Brotherhood at al-Azhar University raised alarm in the Egyptian press that the Muslim Brotherhood was forming a militia.
Political analysts and commentators raised a plethora of questions as to the significance of the Muslim Brotherhood’s military-style parade by masked Brotherhood members on the campus grounds of the Azhar University.
Last Sunday the Cairo Criminal Court annulled the decision of the Supreme State Security Prosecution that placed al-‘Iryān under house arrest, and upheld the decision for his release.


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