Displaying 41 - 50 of 70.
Al-Karma Publishers has reprinted a special series called “Al-Karma Selections” that comprises till now over 20 books that were already published in previous years and missed by the readers. One of these books is “Margins on the Arab Conquest” by Sanāʾ al-Maṣrī, the book was published in 1996 and...
In 1535, the system of Capitulations of the Ottoman Empire began. Henceforth, foreigners in the Empire were subject to their own prosecution in specific courts. This also applied to Egypt. However, the situation of foreign Christians was much better than the situation of Egyptian Christians
The Faculty of Comparative Religion at the University of Manouba, Tunis, Tunisia, invited Cornelis Hulsman to present his work in Egypt to students on the 9th of February, 2018. Hulsman’s lecture covered the following subjects: - Introduction of Dutch sociologist Cornelis Hulsman, Drs., director of...
Researcher Islām Biḥayrī described discussions about reconciliation with the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood as “the crisis of all crises,” from which Egypt and the surrounding region would not recover again. In a long interview with al-Dustūr, Biḥayrī said: the Brotherhood got a proper chance to...
In an opinion article published by Civic Egypt, Rāghib Al- Rikābī wrote about the difference between Islam during the early Islamic period of Mecca and the Islamic experience witnessed after the hijra, or emigration; the date of this event marks the beginning of the Muslim calendar. 
In an opinion article published by the secular website “Civil Egypt”, Counselor, Aḥmad 'Abdūh Māhir, the Lawyer at the Court of Cassation, international arbitrator, and an Islamic scholar, addressed the Early Muslim Conquests of the neighboring countries.
Egypt's workers played a major role in the surge of protests that swept across the country in the 2000s, leading to the undermining and eventual fall of the regime of Husni Mubārak in 2011. Despite subsequent regime crackdowns on domestic dissent, the independent labor movement continued its...
The Muslim Brotherhood is a difficult subject to tackle. Some of this is the fault of others – there appears to be significant bias against them in many quarters. Some of this is their own fault – they are a closed organization accountable to no government oversight.  
Dutch scholar Johannes Jansen contributed an essay – ‘The Religious Roots of Muslim Violence’ – to a 2011 anthology entitled, ‘Terrorism: Ideology, Law, and Policy’. In it he makes the case that violence and terrorism are part and parcel of the Islamic religion, traceable to its root sources at...


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