Displaying 1 - 10 of 58.
The Coptic Catholic Church organized a number of events and activities in preparation for the 2024 Nayrouz celebration.
Fr. Paulus Sati, Patriarchal Administrator of the Chaldean Catholic Church in Egypt is leading the celebrative mass marking the feast of Mār Antonius (Saint Anthony the Great, d.356).
The Coptic Catholic Church shows great interest in the youth sector by holding courses on future leaders and the empowerment of young people of all segments of society through the teaching of certain handicrafts.
The Coptic Catholic Church took part in the 10th annual canon law conference of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem in the Jordanian resort area of the Dead Sea.
Patriarch of the Coptic Catholics of Alexandria and Head of the Catholic Archbishops Council in Egypt, Anbā ʾIbrāhīm Isḥaq, received members of the international committee on theological dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Greek Orthodox Church at the Resurrection Cathedral in Alexandria.
At the Virgin Mary Church in Shubrā, the Horus scout group has organized a series of services aimed at providing help to families before the Easter holidays. These services, which include distributing parcels of food and toys, are often enacted by the Horus group, which endeavours to offer help to...
The Coptic Catholic Patriarch of Alexandria, Ibrahim Isaac Sidrak (Ibrāhīm Isḥaq), gave an address to mark the occasion of Easter. The Patriarch highlighted the importance of Easter, especially given the current turmoil and conflict present in the modern world. He drew comparisons between the...
For the first time in years, Catholics in Egypt don’t have to work on Christmas, not because the government made it a national holiday, but because their Christmas happens to fall on the weekend, on Friday and Saturday. For many ages, Egyptian Catholics have demanded that the western Christmas (the...
Dr. Sāmī Fawzī, the Archbishop of Alexandria Province of the Anglican Episcopal Church, welcomed Dr. Ibrāhīm al-Jamal, General Director of al-Azhar Preaching, Head of the Fatwa Committee and Secretary-General of the Egyptian Family House in Alexandria, to congratulate him on his inauguration as...
The Media Center of the Catholic Church has called on the Copts of the Diaspora, and all those interested in tourism, to organize trips to celebrate Christmas and New Year's in Luxor, visit the Rams' Road, and follow the steps of the Holy Family’s walk in Egypt.


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