Displaying 661 - 670 of 1154.
In its documentary, B.B.C sheds light on the issue of Christianization in the Middle East, especially Egypt and Morocco.
On Saturday, Glenn Beck led a rally in Washington, DC on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial where Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his famous ‘I have a dream’ speech. In fact, this weekend was the anniversary of that speech, which came to symbolize the struggle and eventual triumph of the civil rights...
With the tensions that have escalated between the West and the Islamic world since the September 11th attacks, foreign governments have advocated for a reform of religious education in Muslim-majority countries.
Yūsuf Zīdānresponds to the claim filed against him to the Supreme Prosecution of the State Security which accused him of despising Christianity. He states that he will never give up to those who are against the enlightened voices.
This article outlines a number of different discriminatory statements and issues brought up against Copts in Egypt. Firstly are the statements made by Mohamed Abbas who recently said that Copts are coddled by the Egyptian government and are treated better than Muslims when both are in prison. He...
This article by Watani gives a brief overview of the new book by Talaat Radwan entitled "Egyptian Culture and Religious Fundamentalism before and after July 1952."
On April 8 Tariq Ramadan delivered his first public address in the U.S. since the Bush administration revoked his visa in 2004. Ramadan in known for his ability to speak favorably to both leftists and Islamists. However some have derided Ramadan as much more radical than he initially appears. Other...
The US TV channel FOXNews said on its website that some Republicans and Democrats have filed a memo to the US State Department calling for an investigation into the claim that some Coptic women in Egypt are forced to marry Muslims.    
 Cornelis Hulsman's farewell speech given at Cairo University in June 2009.
This article deals with the issue of the burqa in non-Muslim countries, more notably, and the focus of this article, within Belgium. The burqa is said to be a security risk to many, because faces cannot be seen, but it is also a personal rights issue. Recently, there has been discussion of a draft...


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