Displaying 31 - 40 of 265.
Coptic Christians are awaiting the president’s decisions to resolve their issues, which have remained unsolved over the years under successive governments.
The Maronite denomination emerged in Egypt in 1745, when the Aleppo monk, Mūsa Hilāna, consecrated al-Bārija, the first Maronite church in Damietta (Dumyāṭ), as well as in Egypt and Africa.
Egypt has experienced security and stability during the past ten years, and the Copts of Egypt have experienced this first-hand as they have lived through a period of consolidation of rules of citizenship with the power of the law.  
Minister of Justice, ʿUmar Marwān, said that the new personal status law for both Muslims and Christians has been finalized, adding that the law for the Christians is a “historic” one as it is the first of its kind in Egypt.  
Egyptian Christians are still waiting for the endorsement of a unified personal status law, which is a constitutional right that the Egyptian parliament has not taken heed of since the 2014 constitution was approved.
On Thursday (August 03), the National Dialogue held a public session to discuss three issues families face after divorce –Ṫāʿa, Nafaqa and al-Kadd wa al- Saʿāya–which are listed on the agenda of the Family & Societal Coherence Committee.
The Family Affairs Court has explained the reasoning behind its decision to allow Copts to apply their own religious law when it comes to matters of inheritance in the Christian community. This followed a lawsuit brought forth by a Coptic woman seeking to amend the inheritance to be received by her...
The President of the Evangelical Community in Egypt, Rev. Dr. Andrea Zakī, has spoken on the relationship between the Muslim Brotherhood and think tanks in the United States of America, expressing that strong bonds still exist between the two. Elsewhere, whilst speaking during a conference on...
Member of the House of Representatives’ Foreign Relations Committee, M.P. Rawān Lāshīn, has stated that the new Personal Status Law will serve the interests of the family as well as preserve the rights and well-being of children. She revealed that the new law, which is being submitted for final...
The Grand Imām of al-Azhar, Shaykh Dr. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyīb, has issued a response to the situation of a boy who was originally adopted and raised by Coptic parents, before being taken into the custody of the state, and declared to be Muslim. The statement, released through the al-Azhar Fatwā Global...


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