Displaying 191 - 200 of 261.
The author criticises the fatwa declaring Dr. Hassan Hanafy to be an apostate and explains how Dr. Hanafy’s work was taken out of context, and twisted to imply that he opposed Islam.
Subtitles:- A phenomenon that worries international intelligence agencies; Cooperation between Sunni and Shia groups to establish a unified organization- Italy has become the base for the activities of the extremist groups smuggling weapons- Claims that Osama Bin Ladin is attempting to establish an...
Subtitle:Will I convert from Islam? A serious confession - our Islam is about to collapseEl- Muslimun of July 18 laments that Muslims exert much effort to get Christians to say the Islamic creed, but once they are Muslim, very little is done to help the new converts. Several examples of converts’...
The author discusses the two day conference organized by Coptic author Kamāl Zākhir Mūsa about reform that is needed in the Coptic Orthodox Church. The Coptic Orthodox Church has been trying to prevent this conference from taking place but it will start on the same day that Pope Shenouda celebrates...
Bāsimah William writes about the celebrations of the feast of the Virgin Mary at Dayr al-Azrā’ in Jabal Assiut, which does not attract only Christians, but also Muslims and people from all over the world.
Dr Hulsman analyses the lecture of Pope Benedict, noting that the text showed that his lecture was unfortunate but the translation made it even worse. The report notes several translation mistakes from the original German text to English. The Arabic texts were then translations of the English....
The Egyptian churches have agreed not to seek a ban on Dan Brown’s controversial movie but will instead launch anti-Da- Vinci-Code campaign.
Analysis of the Denmark cartoons issue by Dr. Hasan Muhammad Wajīh, expert of linguistics of negotiation and cross-cultural communication at the Azhar University and moderator of the April 15, 2006 discussion at El-Sawy Culture Wheel on ‘Freedom of expression and respect for the other. How to...
Celebration of the festival of St. George at Bisari in the vicinity of Assiut on the fifth Sunday of Lent.
The attacks of September 11 brought forth feelings of rage against everything that has to do with Islam. Wearing a veil is considered to be an explicit sign of Islam and its political attitude. The West has attacked the veil considering it a sign of Islam and its attitudes. The West’s attack on the...


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