Displaying 231 - 240 of 262.
Usama Bin Laden has successfully managed to raise the bar of terrorism. A terrorist attack now has specific features; there has to be massive killing of a large number of people. There has to be flames and debris. There has to be television cameras from all over the world. It is now common news to...
A Belgian thinker caused a huge uproar at the Higher Council for Islamic Affair’s sixteenth conference when he surprised the participants by directing severe criticisms at the Islamic world and accusing Muslims of not being transparent. He also accused Muslims of failing to manage a serious and...
Agence France -Pressse opened with the police preventing unrest in Taha al-‘Ameda after the priest and two members of the church had been killed “when the car in which they were being driven away for questioning crashed.” AFP also reports that “the police officer who was driving the car jumped out...
According to the Talmud, if the mother of a child is a Jew, then the child is Jewish. Otherwise, the child is not considered Jewish. However, in 1983, the Higher Institute for Reformist Rabbis held a meeting after which it was decided that if the father of a child is Jewish and the mother is not,...
To whom do I complain of my hurt and pain when I read what was published in the newspapers about the arrest of fifty-two members of the Muslim Brotherhood, the confiscation of their personal funds, and the closing down of their enterprises? It has been reported that those arrested are among the...
The religious question resurfaced in the intellectual and political processes in Europe in the last period. The religious question is inevitable in two situations: in the system of religious symbols in public schools and in references to religion in the new forthcoming European constitution....
A group of scholars and intellectuals traveled last week to Europe in order to “improve the image of Islam and Muslims” in Western public opinion. The program aims at eliminating mistaken ideas about Islam. This coincided with an agreement taken by a number of Muslim businessmen in Canada and the U...
A large number of young translators presented translations of literary works from various languages into Arabic that attracted the attention of readers and specialists. These translations are not limited to the widely known languages like English and French, but they also include some translations...
Dr. Gunter Mulack, Commissioner for the Dialogue with the Islamic World of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, stressed the need for dialogue between the West and the Arab world to avoid increasing tensions and develop an understanding between different cultures. Many of his views concur with...
Do our tourism officials know that the remains of Prophet John the Baptist are inside the Anbā Maqqār monastery in the wilderness of Shihīt? If they know about it and do not use this attraction of vital importance to Christians and Muslims alike, then this is a disaster, and if they do not know,...


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