Displaying 151 - 160 of 202.
The author discusses the upcoming seminar initiated by Kamāl Zākhir Mūsá under the auspices of the Egyptian Society for Enlightenment, which will discuss topics such as Copts and citizenship; the relationship between clergy and laymen; laymen participation in church affairs; church trials and the...
The transcript of an interview conducted by Cornelis Hulsman with Kamāl Zākhir Mūsá, in which Mūsá provides a background of his work and publications. Mūsá further describes his own experiences and confrontations with the Coptic Orthodox Church in Egypt.
Subtitle:The case is closed and the murderer is knownIn the past three months three Egyptians have been killed in Europe. The third was a businessman in Holland. "The case is closed and the murderer is known" is the conclusion of the author. Overseas authorities do not care for the death of an...
Subtitles:Abdel Nasser did not differentiate in nationalizing Coptic or Islamic capitalNo single Copt was in the highest positions of the Front of the Liberal Officers. The only Copt was in the second lineAbdel Nasser joined the priests and hit secularismThe revolutionaries were the first to invent...
Dr. Milad Hanna, one of Egypt’s most prominent Christians, author of many books on Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt and columnist in Al-Ahram, is very dismayed about the proposed American religious freedom law. In an article in Al-Ahram of July 22 he writes that there are sectarian clashes which...
Egypt is often criticized abroad for its treatment of its Christian citizens. Prominent Coptic thinker Dr. Milad Hanna, confirmed that equality between Muslims and Christians is not there. Lu’iy Mahmoud Sa’id, himself a Muslim, describes how Muslim authors attacked Milad Hanna for stating his view...
This week’s editorial reviews the report published by al-‘Utayfī in 1972 following the al-Khankah sectarian eventsand comments on whether any of the report’s recommendations were carried out.
A review of the media coverage following the Alexandria church stabbings concludes that both Muslims and Christians condemned the attacks and spoke of the need for change in the citizenship rights of Christians.
The governor of al-Qalyoubīya, Judge ‘Adlī Husayn, has announced his decision to refer all requests for permission to renovate churches to the Legal Affairs Committee of the governorate, abiding by President Mubārak’s decision on restoring churches.
A book review of Jamāl al-Bannā’s book, My Coptic Brethren.


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