Displaying 1 - 10 of 202.
The Coptic Orthodox Church is celebrating the birth of the Virgin Mary in Musṭurud, al-Qalyūbīya governorate. The yearly festivities occur in mid-August, coinciding with the Fast of the Virgin Mary. Jesus and the Virgin visited Musṭurud, where Copts now come to seek blessings, particularly from the...
 The purpose of this study is to present the most accurate data on the statistics of Christians in Egypt.
The National Council for Women (NCW) in cooperation with the UNFPA open new four Safe Women’s clinics at the Minyā, Banī Suwayf, Banhā and 6th of October University Hospitals.
Mohammed el-Shafei is the Education Officer at the UNHCR. He describes the great efforts Egyptian authorities are making to provide education to refugees. One needs to distinguish between refugees from countries to which the Four Freedoms Agreement applies; the right to property, the right to work...
Today, Friday, the Ministry of Awqāf inaugurates 12 mosques in six governorates, including 11 that have been rebuilt and one that has been recently restored. This brings a grand total of 258 mosques which have been opened since 1st July, 231 of which have also been rebuilt and another 27 that have...
For many years expatriate churches in Cairo organize regular visits to foreign prisoners at Qanater prison. French-Moroccan intern Dina Bouchkouch visited foreign female prisoners, including two Moroccans, in Qanater prison on August 6. Dina visited the Moroccan Embassy in Cairo as she had promised...
It is a sunny winter morning in Cairo when I and a small group from the Maadi Community Church (MCC) take the road for al-Qanāṭir prison. Located in al-Qanāṭir area, at the apex of the Nile Delta, al-Qanāṭir prison includes the only big female prison in Egypt. In addition, the complex hosts a...
For many years expatriate churches in Cairo organize regular visits to foreign prisoners at Qanater prison. Egyptian authorities allow foreigners only to visit non-Egyptian nationals. Egyptian visitors are allowed to visit both Egyptian and non-Egyptian visitors. It is much easier to visit prison...
On February 1, 2019, I visited the Monastery of St. Makarios with a Dutch church group that made a journey into the spiritual heritage of the Coptic Orthodox Church. Questions were asked and we visited the bookstore of the monastery where we bought several translated publications of Father Matta al...
The Giza and Cairo courts witnessed today several important hearing sessions including the pleading of the public prosecution service in the case of "Spying for Ḥamās" and in the case of "Sinai state".


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