Displaying 21 - 29 of 29.
    As southern Sudan prepares to vote this week on a possible secession from the north, Sunnī Khālid says that the African-American community is also divided on the issue...      
In this Egyptian Gazette article, Manāl ‘Abd al-‘Azīz questions whether Sudanese president ‘Umar al-Bashīr is seeking to unite or divide the nation of Sudan by threatening to apply Islamic Sharī‘ah law if South Sudan carries through with its plan to separate from the North. ‘Abd al-Azīz says that...
Political experts expect South Sudan to vote to secede from the Muslim north in 2011. Outcomes of the potential succession are debated though key concerns include the allotment of Nile water and the creation of an Islamic state in North Sudan. Sudanese president Bashir is working to maintain unity...
Tensions in Izbet Boushra received national and international media coverage following a clash on June 21, 2009 between Muslims and Christians over a church building. AWR visited Bishop Stephanous, responsible for the diocese in which Izbet Boushra is located, in August 2009. The Bishop then asked...
The issues of achieving unity between southern and northern Sudan raises concerns about the situation of Islam and Muslims in southern Sudan.
Subtitles:- A meeting between the members of the Coptic Federation and Netanyahu in the U.S.A- The emigrant Copts ignored the mysterious federation and boycotted it.- Jewish financial and political support- The Egyptian cultural counselor in the U.S.A. calls emigrant Copts and clarifies the picture...
Overview of the conditions of Sudanese refugees in Egypt. They endure poor living conditions and too often suffer ill treatment at the hands of authorities and local people.
In the previous parts of this debate Maurice Sadek, President of the center of Human Rights and National Unity had accused the Egyptian government of being racist and has asked for its resignation. Sadek continued in this part his dialogue on the religious persecution law that he describes as an...
Because of the attack of Selim Naguib, the RNSAW included the full text of the Report of the Council of Churches which concludes "It does not appear that the national government condones any acts of persecution of the Christian minority in Egypt." But " This is not to say that there is no...


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