Date of source: Monday, April 28, 2008
Drs. Hulsman provides an overview of the history of the monastery of Abu Hinnis. The German researcher Dr. Otto Meinardus wrote in the sixties about seventh century murals in a cave church near Deir Abu Hinnis, a Christian village some 300 km south of Cairo. Most of these murals he then described...
Date of source: Tuesday, April 15, 2008
The recent controversial Egyptians Against Religious Discrimination conference was prevented from taking place by force. The following lines shed light on the conference’s recommendations and the press controversy it aroused.
Date of source: Sunday, April 20, 2008
The article presents a Mark Steyn article published in an American weekly magazine National Review which rejects the Evangelization of moderate Muslims in the West because it can deprive Islam of moderate leaders who can carry out reformation in Islam.
Date of source: Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Rumors have spread about the escalating tension between the Coptic public and the church leadership. While many voices complained about the “tyranny” of the church leadership, church sources denied the rumors and attributed the problems and protests to misunderstandings.
Date of source: Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Ahmad al-Sa‘dāwī writes about a division in the members of the Coptic laymen group.
Date of source: Monday, April 7, 2008
Copts of the southern city of Assiut have sent a letter to the president complaining about the promotion of a sectarian figure of the ruling National Democratic Party, Muhammad ‘Abd al-Muhsin Sālih, who has been accused of proselytizing a number of Christian families.
Date of source: Friday, April 11, 2008
The author responds to a controversial statement from the prominent Shaykh Yūsuf al-Qaradāwī in which he claimed that Christians are kāfirs.
Date of source: Monday, July 14, 2008
Excerpts from a meeting with two prominent local shaykhs from Minia in Upper Egypt on the dispute involving a monastery.
Date of source: Monday, July 14, 2008
Comments from local villagers and tribesmen regarding a recent dispute involving a monastery in Minia, Upper Egypt.
Date of source: Monday, July 14, 2008
An interview with monks involved in the dispute in Minia, Upper Egypt.