Displaying 331 - 340 of 2503.
Governor Ahmed Dia el-Din on the tensions in Minia, Upper Egypt, involving the Monastery of Abū Fānā
Drs. Hulsman comments on a recent dispute involving a monastery in Minia, Upper Egypt.
The Arabic Network Human Rights Information criticizes the Egyptian authorities for breaking into a satellite equipments company to seize a number of on-air devices.
Final results of the elections held on April 8 are pending announcement. The article discusses voter turnout, and the reactions of voters after the elections.
Dr. ‘Abd al-Mun‘im Sa‘īd says that the legitimacy of both the government and the opposition was badly affected in the recent local council elections and warns about punishing the Internet users who called for the recent strike, claiming that it would be an economic setback for the country.
The controversial court ruling that was issued recently is still creating heated discussions in Coptic and judicial milieus. While some think it is binding and necessary, religious sources reject it because it is a violation of the Biblical teaching.
The article discusses the state of democracy in Egypt and questions why even within the ruling National Democratic Party the prevalent attitude is one of suppression.
The article presents the reactions of Muslim scholars to the declaration that a prominent Muslim Italian journalist was baptized by the Catholic pope in the Easter eve service.
Kamāl Zākhir bemoans the current situation of the Coptic Church and criticizes theocracy, supporting his argument by citing examples from the Holy Bible.
Ṭāriq Ḥasan comments on a recent statement from an actor in the Egyptian Tax Authority’s TV commercial campaign in which he said he would not renew his contract for further campaigns because collecting taxes from the poor in order to give them to the state is ḥarām.


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