Displaying 41 - 50 of 2503.
Dr. Shawqī Allam the Grand Muftī of the Republic has met with Ambassador Wafā’ Bāssim who is nominated to be the ambassador of Egypt in the Holy Sea. This is in order to seek religious cooperation between Eygpt and the Vatican in the coming period after the developments in the relationship between...
General ‘Abd al–Fattāh al-Sīsī, Minister of  Defense,  has congratulated the members of the armed forces, fellow Egyptians and Copts on the occasion of the New Year (Amanī Mūsá, Copts- United, Jan. 1).
Co-founder of the al-Waṣaṭ Party, members are mostly Muslim Brotherhood youth that seperated from the Muslim Brotherhood  
A source within the Muslim Brotherhood told Sadā al-Balad that the organization was behind the armed attack on a bus carrying Egyptian judges in the city of al-’Arīsh in the north of the Sinai peninsula. Three judges were killed and two more were injured. This attack comes hours after the...
The American Jamestown institute issues a report on terrorism in Egypt during the last four years. It applauds the Egyptian military and Sīsī for deposing the government of Brotherhood leader Muhammad Mursī calling the coup “a return to the path to democracy for Egypt.” The report found the closing...
The National Center for Human Rights is releasing its annual report in which it reviews the current status of human rights in Egypt. Hāfiz Abū Si’da, member of the center, said the report found improvement in social and economic rights. The government has begun projects in health insurance and...
Writer and director of the series, Albert Karam announced that he has finally completed drafting the screenplay after more than three years of historical research. He made a distinction between the new series from other works on Pope Shenūda III, saying that this series will cover the political and...
The Sheikh of al-Azhar, Doctor Ahmad Tayyib, called for young people to resist the spread of atheism, saying that they are the ones most able to use electronic media to explain the truth about Islam to atheists. He said that there are many problems in society that have no solution except for faith...
President Sīsī met with Sayyid Muhammad Fā’iq, the President of the National Council for Human Rights, to receive the Council’s human rights report. The council’s spokesman said that the report contained five sections covering the human rights situation in Egypt. Sīsī confirmed the importance of...
Pope Frances sent Pope Tawadros a letter marking the second year since they met in the Vatican in 2013. Pope Frances reportedly stressed that their shared faith unites the two parishes now more than any time in the past. Remembering the Christians who have recently been killed in the Middle East,...


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