Displaying 1 - 10 of 55.
The Egyptian people and government’s solidarity with the Palestinians is much more pronounced and powerful than it was in previous Israeli assaults on Palestinians.
Akher Saa, al- Arabi and al-Ahali approached Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant Christian clergymen, from Egypt and Palestine, and asked them to comment on the crisis of the Church of the Nativity. They all criticized Sharon?s practices against the birthplace of Jesus Christ and against the...
Many articles focussed on the opinions of religious and political leaders concerning the crisis around the Church of the Nativity. They compared responses from different churches; Orthodox, Evangelical and Catholic.
Swift intensive efforts were made this week to contain a Muslim-Christian crisis due to a blasphemous article, by a Muslim writer, about a former monk. Thousands of angry youths protested against the article, the Government was accused of being in collusion with the paper, Pope Shenouda...
The Sheikh of Azhar’s withdrawal of his call to Muslims to visit the Aqs...
Al-Ahram congratulated the pope with his prize. al-Sharq al-Awsat mentioned that the pope demonstrated his displeasure with the objection of some Israeli diplomats to him receiving this award, his refusal of normalizing relations with Israel and his ban on Egyptian Copts to visit Jerusalem. al...
The ninth Islamic Conference concluded its summit in Doha with a long detailed statement including a call to end all types of normalization with Israel, economic aid for the Palestinians and a lifting of sanctions on Iraq. The most surprising outcome of the summit was a break of hostility...
The Egyptian press exposed religious authorities’ and intellectuals’ points of view regarding the violent confrontations between the Palestinians and the Israeli forces; in his interview with al-Musawwar, the Shaykh of the Azhar condemned the Israeli trespassing of al-Aqsá mosque....
An overview of the Baha’i faith and interview with two practicing Baha’is. They discuss the Baha’is relationship with the authorities and views on women and other religions.
The Head of the Department of Transport and Bridges Equipment in Cairo was arrested together with his wife for forming a group promoting ideas against Islam. He issued a fatwa to his followers that they were not obliged to pray in the direction of the Kiblah while performing prayers. He also denied...


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