Displaying 1 - 9 of 9.
Dr. Sāmī Fawzī, Archbishop of the Episcopal/Anglican Church, Province of Alexandria, headed a church delegation on Saturday to pay a visit to Pope Tawāḍrūs II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark, at the papal headquarters.
The Episcopal Church launched the "Art for All People" initiative as part of the h "Together for the Development of Egypt" project in al- Minya governorate. The initiative aims to address the problems that young people face in Egypt through artistic performances and presentations prepared by three...
Background: The main issues in Sudan at the time (and some are still relevant today) were the unity of South Sudan, self-determination, peace and war, religious/political persecution against Christians and South Sudanese and the Sharīʿah Law. A Southern Sudanese and former Member of Parliament...
Notes on the occasion of Prof. Mike Reimer's 60th birthday, assistant professor of history at the American University in Cairo. Muslim-Christian relations are so much more complex as media tend to report. 
A review of the book, ’Out of Place: A Memoir.’ The memoir outlines the lives of Edward W. Said and his sister, Rosemarie Said Zahlan.
After Dale Gavlak and Cornelis Hulsman interviewed the governor of Qalyubiya they interviewed H.G. Bishop Marcos and asked him to respond to all the issues raised by the governor.
Subtitles: ° Europe expels peaceful immigrants and here we allow them to exhaust our utilities and attack us. ° An incident in the Ahmed Said Street, Abbassia, a quarter of Cairo, tolls the warning bells for the refugee and immigrant problem in Egypt. ° They harass our women and smoke bango [a kind...
In a great celebration at the All Saints Cathedral in Zamalek and in the presence of many important people, Dr. Mounir Hanna Inis took charge of the bishopric of Egypt and the Middle East. He succeeds Ghais Abdel Malik, who reached the age of retirement, according to the laws of the Episcopal...
Dr. George Carey, the archbishop of Canterbury and the head of the Episcopal Church had been invited by the Grand Sheik of the Azhar and spoke about religious tolerance between Islam and Christianity.
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