Displaying 221 - 230 of 338.
Some papers claimed that the Shaykh of the Azhar refused to extend the period in office of Dr. Nasser Farid Wassel as a Muftī for Egypt and appointed instead of him Dr. Ahmad El-Tayyeb because the former Muftī issued many Fatāwá that corticated his Fatāwá. Other papers shed light on the...
The increasing phenomenon of Fatwás being issued by “satellite Shaykhs” is discussed. The author questions who has the authority to control these Fatwás, and why they issue is not being focused on.
The medical tests that Shaykh of the Azhar Muḥammad Sayyid Ṭanṭāwī is undergoing in Saudi Arabia raised the ambitions of several Shaykhs to assume the dignified and highly respectable office of Shaykh of the Azhar.
Jamāl al-Bannā cites efforts of the Azhar to curb the phenomenon of the increasing number of Fatwás on media. However, he criticizes the Azhar’s attempts to monopolize Islām.
A conference held at the Azhar University, attended by Muslim scholars and medical doctors from Africa, Asia and Europe, condemns female circumcision and denies that it is a religious practice.
The author interviewed a Japanese Buddhist researcher who is preparing her PhD thesis on contemporary Islamic fatwás.
In the following review of the first article of Dr. Ahmad ‘Umar Hāshim’s series about the status of women in Islām, Dr. Hāshim points out the different rights given to women in Islamic Sharī‘ah.
Al-Sharq al-Awsat interviews Dr. ‘Abd al-Mu‘tī Bayyūmī, a member of the Azhar’s Islamic Research Academy and the former deputy head of the Religious Affairs Committee at the People’s Assembly, about a number of issues, including the controversial statement of Pope Benedict on Islam and...
A recent fatwá by prominent Muslim intellectual Jamāl al-Bannā, stating that smoking does not spoil fasting has sparked massive controversy amongst Muslim scholars and clerics who described the fatwá as "totally irresponsible" and contrary to the teaching of Islam.
Subtitle:1- The Higher Council of Islamic Research declares "Changing religious denominations does not allow a Christian to ask for the divorce according to Islamic law.2- It also states "The court has to give the verdict according to the religious laws of the husband.3- The church calls for...


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