Displaying 251 - 260 of 338.
The controversial fatwa of the Muftī of the Republic, Dr. ‘Alī Jum‘a, on the prohibition of full-figure statues has been the subject of heated debate in the Egyptian media recently.
The author analyses the case of Heidi Hakīm Manqarius Salīb, a Christian girl who converted to Islam. This case was reported in Al-Katība al-Tībīya (The Theban Legion) and on the websites of several Christian organizations as a kidnapping, but in fact there is no proof of any physical force or...
The article is an interview with the Mufti of Egypt, Dr. Ali Gom´aa. He expresses his anger with the Egyptian press, believing that some publications deliberately exploit religion to arrive at certain aims. He adds that he has been exposed to unjust campaigns waged against him by certain...
The Mufti of Egypt issued a fatwa to the effect that wives are entitled to be paid for breast-feeding their children and serving their husbands. The author believes it is not acceptable that Muslim scholars neglect essential and important issues and focus on issues of secondary importance that do...
The article is an interview with Sheikh Gamal Qutb, former head of the Azhar Fatwa Committee. He presented his assessment of the religious discourse of the Azhar. He believes that the discourse of the Azhar is suffering from the same problems the Islamic religious discourse suffers from all over...
The Mufti of Egypt, Ali Goma´a, issued a new and strange fatwa that allows women to pray wearing a ballet dancer´s costume. Still, there are conditions for praying with this costume. The room where one is praying should be totally dark. The fatwa triggered the anger of all the members of...
The author criticized the opinions of Poet Ahmed Abdel Mo´ti Hegazi in a seminar that took place in the Biblioteca Alexandrina. Hegazi defended Nasr Hamid Abu Zeid, called for a new religious discourse, praised the Arab Culture Conference and criticized Islamizing sciences. He even criticized the...
The article presents views of religious scholars on the fatwa of murder of mercy that allows stopping the use of medical equipments in cases of brain death (clinical death).
The article is an interview with Sheikh Nabawi Al-Eish, who gave the controversial fatwa that incriminated dealing with the Iraqi transitional ruling council. The fatwa is reportedly rejected by the American Embassy in Egypt.
The Mufti of Egypt stated that he agrees with Yemeni Sheikh Al-Zanadani concerning his fatwa called “marriage friend.” Other scholars expressed their rejection of the fatwa.


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