Displaying 31 - 40 of 172.
  Rev. Rādī Atallah, the pastor of ‘Attārīn Evangelical Church in Alexandria, tells his personal story and explains how his church is moving forward with reconciliation efforts following last week's bombing of the Two Saints Church that left 23 dead and a community in mourning...    
  Jayson Casper considers the attack in Alexandria and the resulting sectarian demonstrations which arose in its wake. He explores some of the contextual issues and finds hope in an interfaith effort promoted by a dialogue group in the city. Even so, efforts to find meaning in the tragedy must go...
Andrea Zakī, the Vice President of Egypt's Evangelical denomination, talks about the moving of the evangelical church in Luxor, saying that a proper compromise has been reached with the Luxor governor. The current church will not move until a new church is built. Additionally, the governate gave...
The Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services recently organized a seminar entitled "Dialogue, not Rivalry." The event was attended by many intellectuals and journalists. The seminar mainly dealt with overcoming the increasingly hostile tone between Egypt's Christian and Muslim...
The Evangelical Church of Egypt announced its intentions to issue a code of ethics between the different churches of Egypt and the Azhar, putting an end to religious defamation. Activist Najīb Jibrā'īl expressed his support for the code of ethics, and announced that he has issued reports to the...
Rev. Safwat al-Bayyādī presents his views on peacemaking through education, training, and personal involvement. He also discusses the value of religious initiatives to promote peace. Article full text: On November 18, 2009 I had a chance to interview Rev. Safwat al-Bayyādī, President of the...
‘Amr Bayyūmī reports about the suggestion that churches in Egypt form a supreme committee to work on solving problems facing Christians.
The author tackles the problem of Dr. George Habīb Bibāwī, who was dismissed from church. The author says that Pope Shenouda will not revoke his decision, violating the report by the state commissioners who said that the decision lacked part of the conditions of its enforcement. Conflict is...
The article examines dissensions between different Christian denominations regarding the new unified personal status law for Copts.
The amendments to the 1938 statute are being debated by the Christian denominations in Egypt. While the State Council's deputy chairman said that it contains points that violate the law, others such as Coptic thinker Kamāl Zākhir believes that it will encourage Christians to convert to Islam.


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