Displaying 1 - 10 of 96.
Amid dense security measures of police and armed forces, al-Gharbia Governorate witnessed a large turnout in several of it cities, whereas the number of voters in the village was not as large. It was reported that judges who were due to supervise the voting arrived late. Noteworthy is the large...
Political parties have agreed to the court ruling which has banned the April 6th movement. These include former April 6th member Tariq al- Khuli and Nasserist party secretary Tawhīd al- Banhāwī.
Background: Prominent Egyptian democratization activist Dr. Sa‘d al-Dīn ʾĪbrāhīm (born 3 December, 1938) discusses the issue of elections in Egypt, and the extent to which they are fair or corrupt. Dr. ʾĪbrāhīm's interest is with democracy and human rights. He is involved in many organisations...
Background: Dr. Saʿd al-Dīn ʾĪbrāhīm born on December 3, 1938, is one of Egypt’s leading human rights and democracy activists. He is also known for his outspoken critique on former president Ḥusnī Mubārak. Dr.ʾĪbrāhīm discusses the presence of many syndicates active in Egypt, including the Muslim...
(Right) now all the political groups in Egypt conform to one main principle, which is to make sure that every part of society is represented in the constituent assembly that will draft the Egyptian constitution. There is no doubt that this principle is credible as long as it is implemented...
On March 19 Egypt is slated to enjoy its first free vote in decades. Following the resignation of President Mubarak the Supreme Military Council appointed a committee to draft amendments to the Constitution, according to the demands of the people. The proposed amendments will be put to a nationwide...
Al-Wafd reports on the recent quarrel between Muslims and Christians in the town of Dayrūt in Asyut governorate. Al-Wafd collected the opinions of different politicians and thinkers on the cause of such incidents and what role the government should play in putting a stop to them.
This article discusses the demonstration outside the Egyptian Parliament building following the shooting at Nag Hammadi. The protest was organized by the independent National Commission for Confronting Sectarian Violence. The demonstration called for equal rights for Copts throughout Egypt, and...
The author comments on articles from the Egyptian press this month, in particular stories about houses of worship and the unified law for houses of worship and the second anniversary of the constitutional amendments.
The article deals with various aspects of the Muslim Brotherhood group that have been discussed in the press this week such as the group's relations with the U.S, the elections to the Muslim Brotherhood guide's office and the extension of the Emergency Law. The article also includes an interview...


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